Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

having this opinion is not allowed in this thread bro. just because it automates gameplay on 19 different characters doesnt mean its unfair. are you dense or dumb?

You are dense if you think this is automating, It’s not, We’ve explained how it isn’t you choose to be dense.

you forget the stuff you sell will sell for way more to how hard is this to figure out?

keep being wrong buddy. third party automation is banned haha!

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Not really. You can run 20 characters with the software and run a pretty full rotation. Assumimg they’re all the same class and spec.

You can run a couple physically, but It would be far less optimal.

i aint reading all that. happy for u though or sorry it happened. banned woo!

You wont read it because you know i am right and you can’t accept that you are wrong here, There is no automation, this wont change anything, And those who still want to multibox will multibox they just have to change their setup slightly.

They literally said the software is not allowed.

What of multi-class multiboxers? This, I’ve only seen 1 instannce of on a personal account, but a raid of groups of multiple classes all in one set command.

Why do you think that? Software has always just done what hardware did before

Is still perfectly fine, Again only keystroke broadcasting software is being banned, You can do everything with a hardware multiplexxer and acheive the same result in a far more efficient manner.

i dont need to read it. because blizzard banned the software :3. if its more difficult for you to abuse the game it makes me happy still.

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This is not and never was automation outside what the game mechanics allowed. The keypress is not being duplicated, its being broadcast as a simultaneous input to multiple clients.

except we never were abusing the game.

Insert world of warcraft community friendly content

I’ve never seen someone so thick they have to be trolling.

so youre telling me. if i open 2 wows right now and press a key both of my characters will cast an ability?

With a hardware multiplexxer yes, if you have a ruler sticky taped to two keys on two keyboards plugged into either a pair of computers or two virtual machines (which is what hardware multiplexxing at a basic level actually is)


Was said broadcasting software breaking game code or doing something that was a security risk, then?

If keystroke mirroring software was to be taken action against, then wouldn’t other means of gaining the same result also fall into the same court?

Yes, because banning software has always stopped the abusers from abusing?
This only limits the “legit” players, the botters that used it will create new and harder to track software to accomplish the same thing.

Keystroke mirroring allowed one bot to control multiple clients, There were botters using keystroke mirroring for BAD things and multiboxers copped the hit for it aswell.