Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

I’ve never once said they are targeting multi boxing. Only the mirroring of keys.

As you just mentioned, it’s easy to track those in unison but it’s requires more work to understand if it’s automated. This eases the process by implementing restrictions.

We’ve repeatedly mentioned it here, Hardware multiplexxers are a thing and cheap thesedays, Isboxer, innerspace, autohotkey were born from those being expensive hardware, Then there is mechanical broadcasters wich are convoluted but doable

Hypervisors are also free.

And that software does not mirror keystrokes?


You don’t need software to multibox Ghastbro

No because it’s not software

So, like… all the time, then.

Since the majority of your argument is based on botters losing out, people who don’t care about the rules, I’ll respond to this with that in mind.

  1. Updating warden is not that straightforward.
    A. You can change the hash every boot up, and give process random names.
    B. It will not take long for the botting community to create private software to avoid this “Ban”

  2. Botters won’t be “scared” by this statement, angry maybe, but not scared.

  3. I concede that the lawyers may be on payroll, but time spent doing anything is still an investment, aka still a cost.

“I eat because I’m unhappy, and I’m unhappy because I eat”

Pretty much, Honestly i have enough rage to power the sun

ISboxer and Innerspace are the same company, you use ISBoxer to “write” to innerspace.

Raise your arms to the sky Wildsinger! I need a bit of your chi to build a spirit bomb!

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A bit of chi? Mate take the WHOLE DAMN THING

Thank the invisible sky wizard! It’s about time. Thanks bilzz

So allow me a question here. Would you be using a device to mirror keystrokes? Or are we talking multiple tabs/ comps running the game.

You see, in another free online game i’ve used multiple accounts. Played a tank, and a craptop at my feet to play my own healer. I believe thats technically familiar. However that was a divide of my own attention to manually control both screens at the same time.

Is that whats being spoken of? Or is another means going to allow control without having to pay attention to the character played?

Another person who thinks this is banning multiboxing or will stop it… Oh sweet summer child…


Thank you! Best news of shadowlands imo!

The mirroring software is what I considered the problem. If someone wants to physically multibox that’s fine.

So if i were to multibox again here is how i would do it

1 keyboard, 2 Graphics cards, 1 Hypervisor. 5 Windows installations running on said hyper visor 1 Hardware multiplexxer to sit between keyboard and host machine., 1 hardware multiplexer to sit between the mouse and the host machine.

Put in Proxmox for a hypervisor, PLug one end of the hardware multiplexxer into each of the USB ports assigned to the Virtual machines.

Log in and do the same thing people do toda- oh wait people doing 20+ characters already did that kind of setup anyway.

Best part is the above isn’t even against the TOS (It never was) and it’s not even impeded by the broadcast software ban as you aren’t using software to broadcast.


But the result is the same?

There’s software that duplicated keystrokes. You’re fine if you’re playing on two pcs because you’re not using that software.