Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

For mounts it is probably best to do it individually, but if you are doing transmog runs multi characters can help get the sets, because they trade to what they can use.

Interesting choice. Multiboxer here. Never griefed anyone, never exploited, never harassed, never done one single thing in my entire wow career remotely considered unacceptable. I’ve boxed since early Burning Crusade, with me playing four, and my brother playing one. It was an absolute joy and a great time, and I was absolutely ecstatic about the possibility of doing it again on a Burning Crusade server.

Don’t know why you chose to spit in the face of your players, but fair enough. Three accounts getting cancelled as we speak. Guess I’ll see with the fourth one is worth keeping active in Shadowlands.

Pretty disappointing


They hardly ever do say those things. As for the GMs do you honestly think that isn’t just a automated process? LOL.

That made it about as clear as mud.

You should probably read the full article linked in the OP:

As World of Warcraft has evolved, our policies have also evolved to support the health of the game and the needs of the players. We’ve examined the use of third-party input broadcasting software, which allows a single keystroke or action to be automatically mirrored to multiple game clients, and we’ve seen an increasingly negative impact to the game as this software is used to support botting and automated gameplay. The use of input broadcasting software that mirrors keystrokes to multiple WoW game clients will soon be considered an actionable offense. We believe this policy is in the best interests of the game and the community.

We will soon begin issuing warnings to all players who are detected using input broadcasting software to mirror commands to multiple accounts at the same time (often used for multi-boxing). With these warnings, we intend to notify players that they should not use this software while playing World of Warcraft. Soon thereafter, the warnings will escalate to account actions, which can include suspension and, if necessary, permanent closure of the player’s World of Warcraft account(s). We strongly advise you to cease using this type of software immediately to maintain uninterrupted access to World of Warcraft.

Thank you for your understanding.

Pay particular attention to the second paragraph. There is nothing ambiguous in their updated stance.

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there is no point in multiboxing without the software, trying to do this with hardware would be a pain in the as$.

It’s a false rationale. Botters DO NOT use the same kinds of software.

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Yeah it’s just all for legal stuff really. they like to leave doors open so they can wiggle out if they need to. They will likely never have a honest policy that doesn’t contridict their terms. Only thing that has changed is the Terms now contridicts their policy even more lol.

Fun Police Out in force.

Multiboxing lives matter. Twink lives matter.

Soon they will come for you too.

  • (Dead Level 29 Twink)

What’s next - a ban on a specific race, gender or sexual preference? This ban is literally no different. That person likes to play the game differently than I do and I don’t like it - you should ban them. It’s bad enough we’ve had to put up with the vocal group of hateful players, now Blizzard goes and emboldens them. How 2020.


Your still alive, don’t be hyperbolic. Nobody is dying here.

Input broadcasting would allow you to set the view of your accounts and you could move them semi-simultaneously while in separate instances. So you’d mount up at the beginning and move them all to the first boss and start auto attacking. When the boss is dead, simultaneously move them all to the drakes to fly to the next bosses. Rinse and repeat. Etc etc. You essentially do Dragon Soul with 5 accounts at the same time. Except for Spine and Deathwing.

i wont complain, i will just let my game time in my extra accounts fade, its just a few days left any way.

Seems like it would work but its doesn’t lag makes it impossible that’s why they disabled follow in pvp, what you describe doesn’t work long.

:weary: But your bros?

That is a bold comparison care to explain how a choice of play style which directly affects other players you encounter is exactly like someone being born a certain way which affects you in no way what so ever?

They’ve always been playing ethically


except that in the long run, all accounts will end up desynced and all over the place

Gotcha, not a very standard way of doing it, but if it works, cool. I can’t fathom how you do Spine that way.