Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Absolutely fantastic timing! I JUST started following and tracking a 23 person multiboxer who was farming the frostmaul giants in winterspring and instakilling anybody else with aoe. The character ran like a bot but since there was 1 person monitoring it, there was nothing I could do to report the person. Yet how do you think they got 23 level 60s exactly? No way they did that without automation…

But at least this will make the 23 mage arcane explosion bots reportable! Awesome!


People need to learn the difference between a Bot and a multiboxer.

Bot - a program that plays the game for you once it has been setup. This allows you to go to work or sleep etc while the bot collects item etc for you.

Multiboxing - uses software to send keystrokes to your other wow clients that you have to input yourself once you stop it doesnt keep going like a bot while your sleeping or at work.

all you did was ruin a legit way of playing the game. this is not going to stop people from botting.


Again though, they aren’t stopping this, you do realize right? Just stopping the use of the software. Using mutiple pc’s and a kvm, or using virtual machines with split keyboard input is still allowed…


Wow with so many happy replies you would almost think the community really didnt like boxers

maybe ruined for some, but what about all the others that did it mainly to grief other players for over a decade? yeah…


Finally… YES… This is the first time I have every posted anything and I have played since day 1 launch many years ago. This is LONG past due. Though I will miss taking out a full multi-boxer in PvP with my single character. That always makes me smile when I send them to their heathstone home. This is the best news ever in WoW’s history. Now if we could get rid of all the grind junk for the Maw and other stuff and just get to good game play and story line and leave it at that.


Rob is that you? :slight_smile:

i wonder what all the whiners will blame for their inability to make gold or win at wpvp now

you’re wasting your breath. 99% of the crowd cheering for this can’t understand the distinction


Magni’s diamond whiskers. Outstanding news. I used to argue constantly here that software-assisted multi-boxing should not be allowed. Good policy change.


That’s crazy if they don’t refund shadowlands for those who bought multiple accounts.

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you can do both btw, i saw some very bot like in 3 realms

Finally! Thank you, Blizzard.


Correct, they are only stopping legitimate use on a single computer

Also what this does not stop is botting. Just like criminals with guns. More gun laws will not make criminals stop having guns. They are already criminals. More restrictions on bots will not stop people who are already breaking the rules against botting. Just the people who used it legitimately.


oh buju cry me a river lol

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I’m sure they’ll fix it :man_shrugging:

Yes. this is tiny


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I said easy, not effective :slight_smile:

Thank you for this. I’ve always thought multiboxxing was cheating and have been shocked that you allowed it to continue as long as you did. Very good decision to end it, I’m proud of you :hugs:


yep, i sure do understand how it all works. i used to powerlevel myself back in vanilla and tbc by just following and alt tabbing. multiboxxers were for the most part griefers and farmers.

Exactly. This is supposed to do something for botting, but it won’t. This will lose blizzard a lot of subs and the rest of the multixers will just go back to how things were. It’s a stupid waste of time that doesn’t actually do anything.