As a multiboxer myself, I don’t think either of these things is acceptable behaviour and would already be reportable as area disruption.
This ban seems to stem from the GMs’ inability to control this behaviour with the tools they have now. Whatever, what’s done is done. It won’t stop the people they want to stop, but it’s hurt a good number of people who just got in the way. C’est la vie.
It will change NOTHING.
Multiboxing is not and never will be the same thing as botting.
The people who used bot programs to farm 100% without human interaction are not going to stop breaking the old rules just because you add a new rule.
Sighhh. It is not blatantly cheating. Please click my name and go read my earlier reply in this thread I do not want to retype that logical masterpiece to prove multiboxing is not cheating. If you find a problem with one of my assertions or definitions let me know and I will happily reargue with your updated definitions or make it clear why your definitions are too far away from the USA standard definition of words to be used.
TL:DR I have a logical defense that is actually sound. Your accusation that multiboxing is cheating is purely emotional. I have already proven this.
I agree with you totally!! I have no problem having a limit of 5. Oh well, I just cancelled my 5 accounts. I hardly played anymore anyway, just logged on and did world quests.
Remember when you’d happen across a khorium node in tbc? It was the best feeling in the world
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Ok I feel this is a welcome change…not necessarily against multiboxing, but the automation of said activity. People will find ways to wiggle around this, as they always do - hence bot’n still being a big deal.
I won’t lie, when I started playing the end of BC, I had three accounts. I played in windowed mode, I drove on a tank class, and followed with a dps/heals in the account. I’d swap windows as needed (to DPS once the tank had threat, or to heal as needed). Between that and refer bonus I was able to level one of each class in just under 90 days. I’ve long since moved them all to one account and play each up/gear them, etc in the spec I picked for them.
I’ve no issue with that type of multiboxing (I was paying the subs for each account, and actually controlling the toons).
The multiboxing I take issues with (and I know you’ve all seen this, in BGs, LFG/LFR and group finder raids). are the obvious multiboxers in the group. We know who they are and how poorly it effects the overall game play in a group setting. So I applaud the attempt to resolve that kind of issue.
To all those crying about mat costs, etc. This will have little to no effect on those that are fudging the AH costs. Thats being done by bot’d farmers, and their ilk. (as well as the AH hogs - which is a whole other issue).
This move is simply a way to give them a hard start point for enforcement of something that’s gotten out of hand the last couple xpacs.
I still read “Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use” just fine, so where is the bullet?
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THANK YOU! I cannot express enough how much this makes me happy to see.
They updated it like 30 seconds ago. Literally. They are reading my posts and saw me link it.
I just cannot believe it… this is so awesome. I won’t even talk about the time before this… it finally… happened… that makes me happy.
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Your analysis of this situation is sound. Especially since multiboxing is not cheating we will probably still see people multiboxing herb farms. It is the multiboxing action that will be least impacted but still noticeable to the public.
It still says “Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use” though. The added stuff is there, but it still flat out says multiboxing is not against the ToS.
Finally! in your f"#$% face multiboxers
This is a good call. Happy to see multiboxing finally killed off.
Yet another out-of-touch move by Blizzard, yet another change “against botting” that harms legitimate players and does nothing at all to even discourage botting.
Botters don’t broadcast keypresses to multiple clients. That’s what legitimate human players do. Botters will have 5 botting programs playing 5 accounts. It’s easier and better to bot that way, and no broadcasting is required.
Blizzard is dragging legitimate players through the mud, removing the botters’ competition, and trying to trick the folks into this thread into thinking they’ve solved a problem. I bet they’re doing this to make botting better, so they can sell more accounts when the bots come back after each banwave.
Right… It isn’t. You can have run multiple accounts at once. You just can’t use software to do inputs for all the characters at once. If you want to multi box, you have to run them all and push the button for each one.
feck multiboxers. Losers.
LOL why the hate for multiboxers? This might stop multiboxing BGs but I doubt it will stop the people who enjoy herbing or mining on multiple chars for their gameplay loop.