Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

I’ll be honest i wasn’t expecting this. Where are the people that stated “MB gives blizz more $$$”

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I mean it doesn’t affect me. I don’t multibox. But I can’t stand people having wrong opinions due to being unable to construct a logical argument. Unfortunately the USA educational system does not prioritize true individual thought. I wish logic classes were taught more frequently


That’s nice. Does this mean you will stop structuring the economy around gold farmers in such a way that it only ever benefits gold farmers and punishes those of us who didn’t exploit WoD’s table or multibox? Because if not, you have no business mouthing off here about this. Half measures are not measures at all.

I see four stacked characters in a BG acting in perfect unison, or a flock of druids scouring a zone of all it’s herbs also in perfect unison, and I hit the report button.

This isn’t hard.


Uhhh… I launch all 5 of my WoW clients using the battle.net launcher, which ACTUALLY HAS THE OPTION TO LAUNCH MULTIPLE WOW CLIENTS ONE AFTER THE OTHER.

Just saying.


As with everything, it was fine back when it wasn’t being super heavily exploited to crash server economies and dominate the herb market. But people have to abuse it and ruin it haha

I’m not sure what your point is here. At the time he made that post it was correct.

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The game is fair. Multiboxing is fair. What did you people learn the definiton of fair to be?

Yeah, but you can still launch the clients without the battle net launcher.

Have you considered the possibility that Blizzard has decided that fairness in their games is finally more important then money?

Or do you think I am being naive?

This is great! Finally we’re going to get rid of the botters/gold farmers in classic! Except the software used to bott is completely different and already bannable and detectable by you guys…so this isn’t really going to affect them just piss off players who have been using this stuff for years and you have refused to make a clear statement on…yet players can easily spot botts and gold farmers because we, you know, actually play the game. There not hard to spot, usually a hunter or mage with jumble of letters for a name and a pet with a Chinese name (as well as the items they link in chat being Chinese). Online 24 hrs a day, only logging for 30 min every 8 hours for I assume bott runner rotation, (reporting for account sharing seems to have a quicker response than botting) in the same area or running the same dungeon all day long. The gold farmers on Pagle won’t even deny it when asked and they act almost proud of the fact they are getting away with it. So whats the plan for next quarter when the numbers don’t change lock the game to only running one game instance like SWTOR does?


Yes, you are correct. There are two groups of people in play here:

  1. Multiboxers, the set of all players using software to coordinate multiple accounts, so one person can play several characters at the same time while still following the “one keystroke per action” rule
  2. Cheaters, the subset of multiboxers who use multiboxing software as part of a botting suite, to automate gameplay, usually to farm resources

Blizzard fired this shot at the second group, and obliterated them both.


As well you should - reporting automation is good. But- YOU are the one doing the policing in that context.

You do realize that you can use a KVM? To get around it.

It’s a hardware not a software solution.

It boils down to a emotional response I feel like.

I only report people when they call me a racial slur but I still see them in game so eh.

Love that I’ve been calling this approach for a while (The Keystroke mirroring ban) since you know - I can’t bind 4 OCD’s to one macro without it “ruining the game experience”, and got mobbed for it every time.

Feels like sweet revenge. Anyways, at least you’re gonna be saving a couple hundred bucks a month.

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Really eager for a forum vacation I see.

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Wouldn’t it be more like you’re responsible for one characters movements and the software you’re using is responsible for the rest of them

If I open up 2 WoW clients right now on 2 accounts and hold W on 1 only one of my toons will more


This is the Todd Howard approach he used in Fallout 76…didn’t end well there either



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