Pocopoc Customization Options

So uhhhh… where are they? Or am I just lost because I only have the two colors and spiky arms?


In the pocopoc room there are several terminals. One of them allows you to change his colors, or spiky arms. It should be the cluster of terminals closest to the entry tunnel.

You can also speak to him to change what he wears on his head

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I heard they aren’t in game yet… which is kinda annoying honestly. Prolly saving it for when we get tired of grinding for mount parts so that they can introduce something new to grind. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Hey guys, you can get this cool new colour for your Murderbot. It’s really easy, you only have to kill about 1000 or so of this little mobs that spawns in one corner of ZM!”


The problem is, is that as far as I can tell nobody in the entire game has unlocked a single option that wasn’t already unlocked by default. And this isn’t about the hats.

Three possibilities:

Absurdly timelocked: For some reason they might show up after this reset or maybe with the catalyst? No evidence for such, just a theory. It would also be very weird for a research unlock available day 1 to only start doing stuff after this long, or even longer.

Extremely well hidden secret: I don’t know, maybe you have to eat a bunch of fruit and bring a ball to those ancient shrines then talk to some guy or another. I could buy that for maybe one or two unlocks, but seeing as nobody has found any it seems equally ridiculous.

Not implimented. Best guess. Extremely dissapointing. The system is right there, on live, and has been for several weeks, telling me to go out and find something that isn’t there.


Nobody knows. Its like an unfinished system they left in the game. I wish Blizzard would say something about it but I know they hate communicating with players.

Imagine having to talk to your customers :face_vomiting:


After I hit exalted I’m not gonna give a crap anymore

this. the extra options arnt ingame yet.

or there hidden so well people havent found them yet…

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I’m wondering if they come from the creation catalyst. That’s about the only explanation I can think of other than “oops, we forgot!”

I’m betting they are in the Enlightened Paragon chests.

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It is pretty weird that there hasn’t been any comment on this or hotfix or anything in the notes and the stuff is right there on live.

Got a pocopoc customization drop from a rare today, another from the world boss, another from a chest. It appears they’ve done a stealth hotfix. Unfortunately, the console doesn’t show you the sources for the various options, so it’s still a mystery whether they’re all put in some pool or whether they’ve all got distinct sources or what.

They just hotfixed them to drop today apparently.
Kinda sucks since they are all RNG drops from stuff we’ve been doing in ZM all along, like killing rares and opening certain treasures.

Really really sucks since i’m about to be exalted and was excited to never enter ZM again
. I want my 2poc to look like a gundam forever though…

There’s a few new customizations available today! I’ve gotten 3 so far since reset. One from the weekly boss in ZM, the others from boxes I looted around the zone.

The world boss seems to give the blue option. At least 3 of my guys got blue from it. Actually I always feel blue after the no loot world boss.

All of them should be available after today.
They forgot to add them to loot tables with the patch as intended.
It was one of the first research options in the Cypher system and was supposed to be dropping already.


So umm, It took them a couple months to roll out something I had unlocked the first week, Talk about time gating because of bare bones content…

There is a pocopoc room? O.o

Just WOW!! I mean forgetting to add something, i would expect from some indi developer! But Actiblizz just made every other developer seem like gods!

Totally uncalled for by a so-called mega studio!!

It’s the room with Firim.

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