Plz give double bladestorm back

Yeah, unlucky.

Well, you only play warrior, so can’t really tell if you can play other things.

At least he can play something.

That’s better than nothing.

i PLAY EVERY CLASS lmao. how else do you think i get every elite set every season.

Yea tbf the only thing more brain dead then ret/war/fw was splay because it was literally ret/war with robes from 40yards away.

splay was so dumb ssn 4.

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You’re 1500 on every other class and the only ounce of rating you get is playing ret/warrior/fw. Soooooo

Yea ret/war/fw and splay were the same comp really. Just super toxic to play into unless you countered it. Not the best comps but deff the easiest.

Hey, we get it, 3v3 isn’t for everybody

At least you’ve still got shuffle and soon blitz

again with the lying jesus this man spews only lies Every class ive played is up to 2200- 2300 mmr in 3’s and 2’s once i hit 1800 i can hop on a enhance and fold you.

he probably gonna mention he was 2900 in shuffles :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Your check-pvp doesn’t show that.

Please do. If you can get the same rating as enh I will apologize and call you the better player.

Tell you what, next season I’ll play warrior and be higher rated than you. In shuffle and 3s.

check pvp doesn’t show mmr but go off king. does show ive been 1800 onevery class so if you want to keep lying do you ig.

Apparently that’s equal to 2300 in 3v3.

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Wow 1800 on every class!!

Are you going to take me up on the challenge?

wonder what 3200 was equal to in ssn 1 where it was the most inflated.

are you going to do it in 3’s cause im not doing shuffles yk you got an inflated ego from that false bracket.

I know you have issues writing, but it looks like you also have issues reading.

LOL fkn savage!

I mean you saying you would be higher rated than me on warrior is like me saying ill go to space both are never gonna happen so of course im not taking what you say serious :dracthyr_no2:

The second i hit 2400 in shuffles that bracket is dead to me the rating doesn’t matter to me in the slightest.