Plz give double bladestorm back

tbh with the current state of arms, talking post crit nerf DF not prepatch, there haven’t really been kill windows for us to exploit in that short stun. Has better use as a micro. You can do setup if you want but when your burst tickles it’s kind of irrelevant.

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This is the reason I got so many meld immunes during DF. Usually it’s like 1 in 100 for me but the scripted storm bolt wave helped

Reminder, you played dev with a assa btw(the meta spec) and missed glad because “boosters are gatekeeping” while again playing dev/assa and it even had a ton of easy glad comps outside of that meta spec cheese. heck even enhance was a pretty much easy glad just play turbo. two ret/war/fw isn’t my main comp turbo is lets get that straight I turbod 3 different warriors to 2200 while farming out wins.

Other than that, he is posting on a mage of course I’m going to think he plays mage im not pvp checking everyone I talk to lol.(mages deserve nothing good :dracthyr_comfy_red: rot you demon spawn.)

Watching you two go at it is like watching Joe Biden and Donald Trump trash talk each other over their golf game.

Funny how you say enh is an easy glad playing turbo when you stopped playing turbo and played ret/warrior lol. As fury.

You’re nothing but a ret/warrior/fw main.

It is as long as the enhance is good, ret/war/fw doesn’t require the ret to be as good as turbo requires the enhance.


Where did I say I say it didn’t? Work on your reading skills Cov.

I also dislike the change. That being said, BS is now a proper damage cd after the buffs to its damage and not just a cc blocker.

It removes skill from the arms spec for sure and I think the replacement talent they added in its place is bad.

That being said, slayer arms can get BS back extremely fast on the beta.

Do I like the change, no. But I understand why Blizz changed it. Especially with how improved unhinged is now.

swole you garbanzo i passed you up on 3 alts enhance was ez I was using lfg just like you the people on enhance WERE BAD you as a example you couldn’t get glad on it because you are bad at it so you swapped dev and couldn’t get glad on that while playing assa/dev overall idc what you got to say i main you don’t know me.


You’d be 1800 if you played enh. I had 100 games on it and can’t find queues because warriors would rather queue ret/warrior. You being an example. Grats on your ego from playing ret/warrior/fw tho.

theres no ego it’s a fact im better than you there is no need for me to have a ego over the person wanting children dead. On the other hand you keep trying to use me playing ret/war/fw as a excuse on why mine isn’t legit but you played dev/assa into a ret/war/fw that comp literally counters it meaning you should have your glad rn lol. It’s just a skill issue on your part gangy all there is to it.


You’re not better than me. You’re just a fury warrior playing ret/warrior/fw for rating, nothing more.

Funny thing is I played arms the ENTIRE TIME we were farming wins till the last 10 lol. offessive can attest to that you ain’t getting me on that ether lmao. both my other wars are also arms i played fury in shuffles and thats it.

No, I can see your games. when you played arms you dropped 70 points.

Losing to me as while playing a superior comp really broke him ROFL.


I have 25 wins off arms and arms alone i even fought cov while playing it so stop the cap.

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This is true, he was arms.

It’s still ret/warrior/fw. The most brain dead comp in the game.

No, that’s not true. Maybe into some stuff.

your comp was even more braindead and you still didn’t get it :dracthyr_hehe_animated: