Plz give double bladestorm back

I will 150% be higher than you on warrior. Are you taking up my challenge?

You play enh and I play warrior.

Oh I don’t know man, he might get his good buddy Trill to help him out.

true Only way he passes me is with a boost.

Figures, you’re a coward. You already know you can’t play enh lmao.

Now now, swole wouldn’t do that. It would be against his Ethos!

you played enhance than abadon your main spec for dev and you are calling me a coward lol. im with warrior through thick and thin.

Well, you can check my achievements on evoker. I’ve been playing it since they came out. And I have more shuffle games on my enh by like 500.

You def are a warrior main. You can’t even read or write.

I mean, neither can you lol.

you def think you have a moral high ground mister I want covs kid to die need someone to bring up them discord chat logs lmao.

But being a coward isn’t a trait of warriors tbh. Kinda surprised to find out you won’t take up my challenge.

what challenge I already said i would beat you on 3 different warriors.EVERY SEASON I have 3 warriors sitting 2300 -2400 when I go for glad push you couldn’t get over that with dev/assa what makes you think i wont farm you on warrior for my wins in tww lmao. even if warrior is mid imma still be up there trying for wins like i Am every season.

I didn’t play only dev/assa.

You abandoned turbo for ret/warrior/fw tho :/. I wonder why

Oh yeah, you can’t get rating as a non brain dead comp.

oh yea you played enhance and missed it on that too than blamed every lfg partner you had in that post you made about how glad wasn’t free yea ik. If you look further in and realise it’s not just other peoples faults maybe you woulda got it gangy. also after trill dumped you am i right.

Because he was stuck playing with enhances that were on your level unfortunately.

Actually if I pushed sooner I would have gotten it. But I’m not that worried about glad. I certainly wouldn’t play fury warrior and ret/warrior/fw to get it. What disgusting comps played by horrible players.

it really was unfortunate funny thing is I helped another enhance get his mount before the season ended so ik turbo was perfectly fine and a ez glad push.

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Yea just takes a higher quality enhance. Ret can play way worse and do fine with warrior.

How can you help an enh get his mount if you can’t push with turbo?

again i played ARMS lol I have several people who saw me even cov said it up top too lmao.

because ik the enhance and he was good lol he was the original enhance i was pushing with than he dipped off for weeks. leading me to lfg and meeting offensive.