Plz give double bladestorm back

because ik the enhance and he was good lol he was the original enhance i was pushing with than he dipped off for weeks. leading me to lfg and meeting offensive.

Yeah, you didn’t play turbo for your wins. You’ve already said several times you played ret/warrior/fw. You’re just trying to say you played turbo because people are making fun of you for having an ego playing ret/warrior/fw.

You don’t got to believe me gangy idc I played turbo(my main comp) and got my friend his wins doesn’t matter if you believe me or not the person is riding on his mount happy now.

What is the enh name?

gimme a second to find him on my list. :smiley:

This is cope, I went from 2300-2550 and secure 21 wins for it in 3 hours playing a decent comp (because Bramot was not able to play the last weekend).

Begs to differ.

Not sure what to tell you. I only played 3’s to find out how difficult it was to get glad. I’m not that worried that I didn’t get it. LFG takes more time than shuffle queues.

If I could queue another 300-500 games I could have gotten it, but that would require me to play 3s sooner.

I also stopped playing on the final week from a combination of being exhausted and just not really caring.

Looking up some random enh to name. Like how do you not know the name of the enh shaman?!?!

TLDR: Cov/Bram broke me when they beat me while I was playing a superior comp.

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his battle tag name is theidz but i don’t have his enhances name. also why would i rember his specific name its been weeks since ive queued with him after the push.

Not sure if you know this, but we’re not having a conversation irl. You don’t have to make a post saying “give me a second.” You can just go look it up and then come back.
Also, how do you not know the name of this shaman after playing with him?! Your brainrot is real, prob from making 40 warriors and being bad on all of them.

idk if you know this but how would ik his battle tag name if he wasn’t on my friends list lol. go look up theidz on check pvp you aint finding nothing nor on the leaderboards im not a degenerate who needs to lie(you).

I feel myself losing brain cells with each post that I read from you.

like you had any to begin with lol. takes some braincells to play enhance its why you are bad at it.


blud been lying since SL too

truly can’t help itself

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You know, you could look at the ranking for enh above 2400 in 3s and see whatever name looks familiar. Maybe that would help your bad memory.

please with pleasure go look at the leaderboards and see if you find anyone with the name theidz if you do ill give you a cookie.

There is no one with that name that I can see?!?!?

wow thanks captain obvious who would of guessed i didn’t lie about my friends name WOW :dracthyr_no2:

What?! Lmao

you accused me of lying and looking up a name. You checked the boards and saw no one of said name thus proving I did not lie about not looking the name up. even better imma post a screenshot of said person on my btag lmao.