Plunderstorm Woes

Is there an option to just pay $10 and get the Pirates Regalia from hitting the 30+ ranks? I would much rather do that then trying to play this silly game mode and dying within 3 seconds of landing by people who just landed and have 5 abilities at max rank already and kill me even though I ask them to stop? I’m seriously not interested in the PvP side of the game but everytime I try and mind my own business here comes Johnny Fortnite to kill me in 3 seconds of landind


u a fed


Speak clearly into my collar.


I don’t think they have added paid skips yet. Wouldn’t surprise if they did though, honestly although I’m starting to get into it, would also probably skip it if I could (and still get the mog).

If they add such an option, it won’t be for 10 bucks. I think its close to $200 to buy all the teir skips for the D4 battlepass.

I am playing the game right now and I just saw a cheater, confirmed playing a mecha gnome that had 3 abilities and NEVER missed a skill shot. PLEASE uninstall this game mode

Don’t worry a couple months after the event ends and everyone was “forced” to grind it out, they’ll put the transmog and mount on the trade post.


No one was forced to grind out this event. :confused:


Do you know what it typically means when someone puts quotations marks around a word like that?

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He doesn’t.

I do know what it means, however after reading your full comment i assumed you were being ironic :slight_smile:

I could see them adding a 500 renown token to the shop and then charging $5 per token. Followed by a different combination of bundles that would make the stand alone token look more appealing.

he knows what it means but doesnt fit his blizzard simping agenda.

Ill leave this here for you

i agree my opinion does not make it fact, but its the overwhelming majority of opinions. can you explain to me if this was such a good game why didnt they make it a stand alone game like hearthstone or hots?

I couldn’t tell you because I can’t read Ions scrambled mind, I assume taken at face value they wanted to do something new and fun and decided this was fun, it’s not that hard to comprehend my guy.

But where’s that proof? Twitter and a couple Geriatric gamers on the wow forums are not the overwhelming majority, lol.

It’s a fun mode, just play.

I’m sure whatever f2p version of this they will eventually come out with will have all the battle pass skips and loot boxes your credit card can handle.

I’ll be honest, I have no issues with Plunderstorm itself. The mode is reasonably fun. Battle royal is not my cup of tea, so it’s not how I’d be using my WoW time if there were no rewards, but I’m not miserable grinding it.

My concern is what is this really a test for? You don’t spin up the hype machine this much for an end of season diversion patch. Is this a way to bribe WoW players into mass beta testing a new game? Fine, but I wish they’d be honest about it. Is it a test to see what they can get away with in regards to a battlepass system for WoW? That has me very concerned about the future of the game.


Maybe? But this version is free, and it’s fun. People are just complaining because they finally have to engage with the game instead of logging in for loot and a pat on the back.