Players could then choose to toggle PvP on or off but they get the same rewards and the rewards are still available in retail WoW if you play PvE mode.
Plunderstorm is awesome for players like me who like solo, casual any easygoing fun. It’s not fun being trampled by high level players in Plunderstorm while you just want to relax and earn some rewards.
Heck, I’m not even interested in PvPing same level players. I just want to relax.
Overall, Plunderstorm is awesome for relaxing and solo / casual play and I love just going around and collecting treasures (I mean the gold coins on the ground, not looting actual chests because that leaves you vulnerable to getting killed by other players if you stop to do anything), and it gives solo and casual players something to do that’s easy as cake while waiting for every month’s new Trading Post items and achievement metas.
Plunderstorm is fine as-is, PvP can have a dandy mode without being watered down.
That being said, some kind of looter PvE mode using Plunderstorm mechanics is an interesting concept.
It’s not “fine as-is” for those of us who just want to PvE and collect rewards.
Pvp or don’t get the reward.
Not a difficult concept
You’ve just described Pick-Up Simulator. Even hating PvP, it’s hard to see the point of this.
Just dive bomb an elemental jump on horse and collect as much as you can til you die. I got the one out fit and a mount in less than 4 hours. I killed 3 and died with in the first 4 minutes of every round. Not 3 a round…total for the four hours.
Oh look another “I want free stuff for doing nothing” post.
Congrats, there are gathering professions in retail that will serve that desire perfectly. No need to change another game mode to fit your desire to play farming simulator.
What would the game be like without PvP? Do you mean to fight AI players instead of humans? Because AI could be much tougher to deal with (if Blizz wants it to be) …
You can pve and collect rewards, are you even playing the game?
I think what’s really behind these types of threads is that players want good art and fun transmogs. Most pve rewards are pretty mediocre. When they offer something cool, even the most pvp averse are willing to “suffer.” They need to invest in better art.
They made a pve mode, its called world of warcraft
Exactly. A lot of people play Plunderstorm for the rewards, not the experience. Given the popularity of the Trading Post and the oft-repeated complaint that Blizz is too stingy with the Tenders, that would definitely suggest there’s a huge market for cosmetics which is being artificially bottlenecked. I can easily imagine players grinding for tenders to buy the transmogs if there wasn’t a monthly cap…
And to be honest, the worst part of Plunderstorm is often the other players. PvPers and PvEers have different mentalities, and it sucks to be out there trying to complete your daily quest and someone jumps you the second you land. But this is the nature of the mode.
Look at Plunderstorm on retail, See on pvp, is pvp
Sure… But Mostly Chaos fun and learning is fun part so it fine, would not mind ai friend but other then that unless there story mode
it fine as pvp mode with Whakcyness.
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This other thread with at least 26 likes suggests otherwise:
https ://
And that’s only those who visited the Plunderstorm section of the forum. God knows how many more probably agree but aren’t aware that section of the forum exists or don’t even visit the forums.
But I guess the forum regulars are ganging up on me now to shoosh me up so I’ll just acquiesce and keep my head down and mouth shut.
I’ve kept it civil, I offered my feedback and now do whatever you want with it. Good day all.
I mentioned this on another thread. Love this idea!!!
It sort of has as pve mode; you gather a bunch of treasure and run into the storm before someone can loot you. It’s not the best pve mode, but a lot of people do it, as I understand.
Nah, the game is completely fine without a pve mode. It’s a BR, pvp is the intention.
If you just want the rewards just go play something else.
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That’s how play it about 5 - 10 mins a day. Do Captains quest, pick up stuff till the overpowered dudes come around, run far enough into storm so at least I can keep them from my stuff and suicide.
It’s not fun but it’s also not so grindy at 2000 coins for ~10 Minutes a day, just completely pointless.
Gladly. Maybe I’m blind but were can you get Plunder coins outside of Plunderstorm ?
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The same place you get pvp rewards outside of pvp.
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