Plunderstorm needs a PvE only mode

Sarcasm not yours ?
Well I want the rewards and I would gladly go somewhere else but I can’t :stuck_out_tongue:

But as said above, the amount of PVP I do in Plunderstorm is marginal.
So it’s is really just a pick up simulator with a walk into the storm in the end. I usually die 5th or 6th when I take the walk.
I’m ok with that, but I’m certainly not adding much to your experience except the body for the queue.


I 100% agree on the PVE option. It should be added as a alternative to the pvp. It’s very frustrating when you get swarmed upon landing by both monsters and players. The amount of disrespect when a player ganks you at less than half health then steals your stuff. I know that’s supposed to be the theme a “plunder” style. But I don’t care Give me a option for PVE. Im not saying get rid of it, just add alternatives.


Even if we disable player combat, it’s still pvp as each player would fight over mobs and powerups.

I wish elites would respawn, I swear they’re 100% gone within 2 minutes of the match starting.

I’m curious do you feel there should be a pve mode for arena? Considering you can’t get those rewards without pvping either?

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We had PvE mode at home called Torghast.

I would like to have a separate mode entirely, not just the same one with PvP on or off. They could do so much more with a PvE mode. Have super powerful rares that actually drop the items, but you also collect plunder to buy the stuff you haven’t gotten to drop.

It would be fun teaming up and helping each other. “Have a purple celestial barrage on me!”

It’d be like a huge open world raid with 40 people working together to get it done. But keep the storm to add an element of danger so you have to coordinate killing bosses more efficiently. There’s a lot they could do with a PvE mode that would be super fun without touching the PvP mode.

Don’t need to water it down. It would actually do the opposite. You’d have more PvP minded people doing the current mode. Or… do you not want that since it would make it more of a challenge and you couldn’t pick off people who have no interest in fighting and just want their plunder? :wink:

Don’t worry about anyone here. Keep your head up and speak your piece. There will always be people who don’t like it, or they completely miss your entire point which is something the WoW forums have excelled at forever. :laughing:

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That definitely had it’s fun moments. A bit long though.

Agreed. They have NPC bot tech, they should just make a bot version so I don’t have to deal with angsty kids who want to hurt others.

I’ve done maybe 20 Plunderstorm runs, and in only a few did I die quickly. I’m no PVP maven, and I got to level 7 or 8 each time before somebody came along and killed me. It just doesn’t bother me, but I can see why some people don’t like it.

Maybe I found a magic landing spot? Anyway, I’m usually left alone to do some quests, get some chests, etc.

Still, if I wanted more rewards – I’m done now – I would sign up for a PvE option.

Is it not effectively PVE now? There are games where I can hit 1k+ plunder without fighting a single person, outside of the daily. It’s even easier now, mobs respawning means you can go back to high density areas like the kobold mines and farm them again. Then you just follow around the big treasure elemental for a bit and you’re coming out of each match with 1300 or so plunder without so much as swinging a smackeral.

If they make a PVE mode, it should have a much shorter storm timer, maybe spawn multiple treasure elemental bosses. Make it a mad scramble for plunder before the storm rolls in, with a smaller overall plunder yield.

Though this is all moot, they have zero incentive to alter it if you’re playing the current version anyway.

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You can completely ignore other players and PVE your way to every reward with enough time.

You could just… play like almost any other game mode in WoW. I mean, pretty much everything is PvE.

Sorry, but its a pvp game mode. There is no need to be watered down. You could ask for faster grind of the rewards as there is no reason to keep people that are not enjoying it while attempting to lure them with WoW rewards (like the last time with the tenders).

What it needs is variety, balance AND more servers (or better matchmaking) as its a terrible experience to play this mode with 160+ ms.

A pve target based game like WoW is ok to play with high latency, but Plunderstorm…

We had a pve one
It was called mop remix

And, it must be admitted, the reward structure in that was most choice.

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Seems like a reasonable solution for some third rate garbage like this. The game mode looks like it was created during a high school project. Combat is clunky and totally inconsistent. One match the same spell, same level practically 1 shots someone. Next time they take almost no damage. Animations are off. You can hit someone directly the in face and they take zero damage. RNG plays a major factor early on. Trip and fall on a good set of spells and find upgrades? Win! Don’t? Lose. You’ll get third partied a lot too, but that’s true of any BR, minus the clunky mess.

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