Plunderstorm isn’t Warcraft

Lmao the storm happened when u were in the lobby?

Hasnt happened to me.

This is the start of automated WoW gameplay one day.

Imagine this, you pull up your phone and load up Plunderstorm. You get a premium battle pass worth $30. All the cool cosmetics that would be earned through normal WoW gameplay have been moved to automated phone gameplay.



that UI…

my retail Ui mirrors the oldschool UI. This modern Ui i cant play with.

And waht is taht green bar under the target? is it a health bar? nope, that’s to the right. a a mana bar? a threat bar?

i’d play it but i can’t do it with that UI. sorry.


The game literally didnt put me onto the bird to go into the royale. Care and effort, in bloody deed.


Oh, It’s a Battle Royale mode? That actually took them a long time for them to implement. :open_mouth:

That’s like saying “Warzone isn’t Call of Duty”…

Plus, Warcraft has pirates.

Why would they be doing in a grassy field for instead of being near the ocean, idk. Still trying to figure that one out, unless Warcraft is telling us these pirates are just land lubbers.

Arugh, thar not be good 'nough for Captain Bari, and his ship “Yoot Tower express”, as we sail the seven seas (or i think eight, idk) and dig deep though the uncharted terrority of computer graphic game treasure that publishers aren’t selling any’moar. Arrrrrrrugh. :pirate_flag:

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I can only imagine how people would react if we ever went back to the style where we get nothing more than an expansion’s set of dungeons and raids, with a 10-month drought at the end.


I mean one time i couldnt get out of ghost wolf because i was “in shapeshift form”… im not saying wow has 0 effort or care put into it because of that lol.

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lmao ok yea sure whatevs bruv.


and get rewards to use on your characters in WoW

I WILL have that coat


What’s that big title above the Plunderstorm logo? World of Warcraft. Huh…

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Uh, Arathi is bordering the ocean

If only it WAS this game, and not it’s own separate thing. You’d have a point then. But it isn’t, and you don’t.


Would u have preferred a more common bug like the combat bug?

I mean… Fair point but…

… you would think they would be more in like… Strangethorn, or Whatever the BFA zones are. When i think of Pirates going on land, i think of something that is typically in warm climate. Like a Jungle or a beach or… a little 1700’s spanish town, or a 1700’s english looking city in the south. Idk.

A Grassy field just seems odd.

Also, the only parts that are touching the ocean is Stromgarde keep. Though maybe it has a docks area now. Otherwise, the zone is pretty much a bowl in terms of mountain layout minus the waterfall.


IMO they probably should’ve made a “new” map that’s two or three of BfA’s Expedition islands stitched together. Would’ve fit the theme a little better.


nah nah too saturated, would cause pirate turf wars, Arathi is prime pickings.

The British use to thinks so to, then the Vikings showed up

I wouldn’t mind personally. Especially if their going for the PvP angle on this with making it a BR mode, with you picking a side of which pirate to join. :man_shrugging:

Those make a lot more sense tho.

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Hey, this is wow, someone tells me to go kill something the reason can be as flimsy as can be as long as the mog is sweet

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I’m fine with them doing dumb little modes like this, but just make it Warcraft. Like, why are we getting generic magic orb blast when you could have just made it a “chargeable chaos bolt” or something?

Have the items be picking up “weapons of powerful classes” and it plays the exact same way, just with the class flavor. Pick up a hammer, get a Divine Storm that functions like the Wind Dash move, pick up a big two hander and get the Heroic Leap and slam on someone.

This being generic is bland, and the pirate angle doesn’t make sense with it either.

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This is my biggest issues with it.
Blizzard did not try and pretend when it came to Hearthstone, HotS, or even warcraft rumble. They sold them as their own things, and had some tie in event for it.

However, blizzard is taking the piss outta us by saying “Oh this is our super secret hyped WOW content” When it has nothing to do with retail wow. If this was just something you could Q up for with your character it would have been fine, and a lot better received, but its not. Its trend chancing 5 years to late.