Plunderstorm is the worst idea for a retail patch

What are you curious about, exactly? What do you think those numbers will show?

I love your use of the word “forced”. Pray you never experience what that word actually means.

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If you think that was overdramatic then go see a therapist.

Collectors are going to do the grind because it’s a limited event with cosmetic rewards. Blizz wants the same numbers as you, otherwise those rewards would have been solely to deck out your Plunder toon. I play a few rounds every day, and already I’m seeing matches that are not filling up. One in particular only had around 45 players when the battle started.

The BR was a neat idea. It’s even kind of fun, compared to WoW PvP. But to be real about the ‘numbers’ in this situation, Blizz knew they’d get players to do it even if they hate it and feel ‘forced’ to play it-- and they knew by doing that and getting those players to slog through their grind, it would help their numbers. Otherwise, we would have seen a Renown track of 20-25, closer to what Dragonflight has for rep grinds, rather than a renown track of 40, which is the Shadowlands rep layout/grind.

why would I need to see a therapist?

Maybe see an optometrist as well.

you couldve just said you suck at pvp.

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How is it forced?
I haven’t done it, I’m not whisked away to it after logging on.
Have you no self control?

Tell me where exactly anywhere else in the game we can get these cosmetics and mounts, what only Plunderstorm? Then by definition if you want the cosmetics your forced to play a mode that is designed with PVPers in mind, and no PVE option of duos vs bots with the comp stomp/island expedition AI.

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Have no increase in player power, you don’t need them, you want them.

You guys would be losing your minds if you were “forced” to win two different BGs to get a legendary that greatly increased power. If Blizzard ever introduced such a thing… oh wait…

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it just feels like blizzard wants to shut down wow completely. it seems as if it is much harder to maintain vs other, newer, more profitable games that got say, battle passes and a million and 1 micro transactions.

so instead of trying to create something that will win wow players and new players alike over, they are trying to constantly add these new side projects that has a ton of retail wow rewards to shift the player base over to them.

they are doing it wrong. all they are doing is pissing everyone off and tainting their reputation.

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The one interesting thing about the game mode, shows who is actually addicted to the game if they feel “forced” to play the mode.

If you are feeling forced to play a spin off mode that is completely separate, you may want to take a step back and ask why.

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Force has been twisted into a new favorite trigger word. Last time I checked we tap into the Force, or we ignore it.

Why would I need to do either? Do you have something you want to say to me?

easy come, easy go, pixels are pixels. Who cares.

If you picked the game up tomorrow and never played for the last 20 years, would you have missed out on 20 years of content? You’d have no idea and your life goes on.

How would that make anything better?

We still dont get anything for the 10.2.6.

But now we have less transmog.

Remember in Dreanor when all we got for a major patch was a selfie camera? I remember :slight_smile:

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No, I don’t remember this because that was not the only feature released, though I assure you that you are exceedingly clever and witty.

Ah, yes and twitter integration along with some class changes :slight_smile:

I mean doesn’t really detract from Blizzard using clearly manipulative tactics to make their game mode fly, rather than selling it just on the merits of its gameplay.