Plunderstorm is the worst idea for a retail patch

I only play a healer, and I’ve played the same character for 20 years.

“Plunderstorm” is about as exciting and fun to me as salt is to a snail.


I actually don’t simp hard for them. I call the bad things out that they do all the time. However with calling things out I also like to highlight wins and this game mode is a cool out of left field win.

I love you

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Maybe its an April fools joke

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nah you’re a hard simp lets be real. if you weren’t youd admit that this game is absolute dirt. streamers are trying to hype it up bc it gives them views and revenue. nothing more.


If i thought the game was dirt i’d say it, but i don’t think it’s dirt, just like you sub to the game and come on these forums says you don’t think it’s dirt either. If you don’t like the game that’s chill just unsub and go somewhere else 4head.

If you are streaming wow for views and revenue, you are doing twitch wrong because barely anyone likes watching wow lol.

Because it is literally WoW Patch 10.2.6: Plunderstorm.

It is a patch for the retail game.

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wrong on so many levels lol it’s okay though, blizzard doesnt know who you are. you’ll wake up soon.

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I’m not sure if you are aware, a lot of people disagree with your notion that the game is “dirt”. I genuinely think it’s heading in a good direction

also, you forgot what i said in the last message
“If you don’t like the game that’s chill just unsub and go somewhere else 4head.”

Except it literally said “for classic and retail”. I just really don’t understand the disconnect here. If it was for classic players too, then it couldn’t possibly be retail content patch. Regardless of the naming conventions.

It also Literally said “For everyone” and is a PvP event, where 90% of WoW players opt out of PvP, proven by achievement tracking.

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It is for everyone. Everyone can play it.

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It is, in fact, not.


Your narrow, personal definition of “for everyone” does not, in fact, change the fact that it is.


i sub for wow lol not the awful product of plunderstorm but ty for your opinion simp

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hyperbolic consumers. You guys are so over dramatic it’s rather hilarious.

This doesn’t work for me, brother

Think about it this way, if plunderstorm was so good then why wouldn’t they have released it as its own game? They obv think it’s worse than hearthstone and hots so they just released a worse version of fortnite as a wow patch. it’s hilarious to watch all the blizzard simps love this bc their zombie minds are told to love it by the twitch streamers who are farming them for content.

I’d like to see numbers on how many Plunderstorm haters have current subs and are playing the game. Just curious about that.

take away all the rewards for retail and youll get a very clear picture. numbers inflated now bc collectors are being forced to play this nonsense.