Plunderstorm is the worst idea for a retail patch

Seriously, Blizzard sells us on this secret patch that will be for everyone and then makes it a forced PVP mode that doesn’t use our actual characters, controls differently than WOW does and expects us all to enjoy it? I was expecting an actual update to the game, not some limited time side project that won’t be here in a years time anyway. If anything this should have been a separate client and not a 10.2.x patch.


It’s WoW related but it is in no way shape or form WoW. Never keep a patch secret and release something like this ever again Blizz. To be clear, this is fine for those that like this style of game, but I usually look forward to WoW content in my WoW patches.


You aren’t forced to do anything.



Its kind of like them saying play this other game to get rewards in WoW.


To be fair, that’s what we did with Hearthstone and HotS.

Why? They made it very clear that it would be available to both retail and classic players, which pretty explicitly says “not a retail wow update.”


then why tell me is it included under the 10.2.x patch naming and not its own ‘WOW Plunderstorm edition’ if its got the 10.2 preceding the patch number then its a retail patch.


Just got 2nd place by afking in the middle. What a magical game mode.


Except it’s not, lmao. You thought it was. It’s not.

True, however, they did not try to piss on your leg and tell you its raining.
They made no qualm about making it clear it was a entirely separate game that just had a tie in to wow. This they are shamelessly trying to package as content for wow.


I like the idea, although I would love to play with my character just for the looks so I can use my transmogs, I don’t like playing with some random character, but the idea is awesome for somebody like me, a casual that gets destroyed in bgs because I don’t have the time to gather good gear, I prefer to play this game mode, I just with I could use my transmogs and characters

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Blunderstorm forcing players to play it for the transmogs/pets/mount is the reason I’m unsubbing now. What a let down.


You could…just not play it?

It sounds like you don’t enjoy the rest of the game if you want to quit over an optional side content event.


I WANTED THE MERCEDES AND MY PARENTS GOT ME A HONDA :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

buncha divas on here, play it or don’t, quit acting like this is a personal attack

Your life with the cosmetics and your life without the cosmetics will be almost identical.

If you do not want to do the content, no one is making you do it.

Nah they should do stuff like this more often. It’s awesome to see them try out new fun things for players to do.


it happens, i just think it need to be a separate game…and not an ‘‘retail patch feature’’, make it own game like hots is


The fact alone that it’s a PvP mode means I don’t even want to go near it. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I agree. PvP isn’t my game. I tried it to play plunder and did even get a chance to figure out what to do before they sent me to a PVP area. Thanks but no thanks Blizzard.


Well… you’re not wrong. lol

I think the issue some have is that 10.2.6 has no content outside of a separate game mode. And season 4 is around 4-6 weeks away. Which is recycled content.

Now… I went into this with zero expectations, knowing it was for Classic and Retail players. So I was already under the impression 10.2.6 had no content in retail WoW itself.

I agree!

I’d also like to know why the separate game version isn’t a dropdown from Bnet and is instead a separate game version from my character select screen.

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