Plunderstorm is the worst idea for a retail patch

It’s fine in small doses. I don’t think it was worth the hype. But this came in a time during an expansion when, historically, there have never been any updates. Every other expansion during this time period has been a drought with nothing. This isn’t worse than nothing, and the hour or so I spent with it was fun enough. I might dabble in it here and there with some friends. It doesn’t hurt me in any way, and it’s not like I can’t just play the game normally if I want. And hey the cosmetics look cool at least.

I feel Warcraft players want Warcraft patches, not Fortnite patches.

2004: “Can we have player/guild housing?!” “No.”
2024: “Can we have player/guild housing!?” “No, we want you to play Battle Royale”

Either way, it’s more things to do I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


It must be hard living in a world where something so minor can ruin your whole day.

It’s ok for them to add things for other players, it’s ok for pvpers who like battle royales to get something made for them too.

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Yep…to me this is no worse than when Arena was added as a feature and I didn’t care the slightest bit about it. It’s a huge game, not everything has to be for me.

Think it’s bad now, they’re probably using it to test the waters with some beyond stupid idea to make it permanent down the road

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True, but the fact that this is a totally separate things is a bit insulting to be called a content patch.


Sure. But add it to the game we play. Not as a separate version, thereby separating friends and guilds even further.


I was quoting a meme. Obviously you haven’t heard it before.
Regardless, I’ll be sitting this one out. Thanks but no thanks, Blizz.


I am not going to sit here and slam a game i havent played,but i was expecting an event for retail . It is not what I expected , but I might give it a try unless i have to write yet another game client in to my computer,

Wow. I was watching a streamer while at work. I haven’t even tried. I already know this is messed up. Screw this


I haven’t bothered logging in to play it since BR’s aren’t my thing but all the screeching about it makes this patch one of the best Blizzard has ever released 10/10 from me guys.

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It was a secret cause they knew if they anounced they where doing a FOMO BR with cosmetics and Traders Tender locked behind a rep grind, the back last of people un subbing would have been so great even Bobby Kotick would go “Yeah, thats messed up.”


There’s a reason it was a secret. Because it’s, as you said, not WoW. This should have been an overwatch game mode or something, not wow


I imagine they wanted to remove the class and level from the character so everyone started out on even. I’m also not sure if the class system would work well with a battle royale style mode. I’m pretty sure it would come down to a bunch of rogues, druids, and hunters hiding trying to keep away from everyone else while also trying to avoid dying to the storm.

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You people. You know exactly what others mean by this. Stop being pedantic a-holes. Stop pretending like you don’t understand the intended meaning of a word based on context. Or are you really that stupid and ignorant that you can’t understand nuances in speech?


What part of “forcing you to play for transmogs/pets/mounts” confuses your smooth brain? It sounds like reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.


It makes me long for the days of the S.E.L.F.I.E. patch.


At least the Selfie Patch was actually IN retail. LOL


Well at least now we know why it was kept secret. They were trying to avoid being laughed at.

I honestly think thy kept it sceret cause they knew there would be backlash. This game maode was clearly made by the Spellbreaker Devs that Blizz got. If you dont know what Spellbreaker is, its a BR that went of line cause of low player count. Not only was the patch bad, but its not even really wow, just another game trying to get a WoW Skin.