Plunderstorm is now available in this region!


yes. thank you

This is what happens when you have no QA department.

If you pause it and unpause it, sometimes that speeds things back up again.

The key word being “sometimes”.

I’m almost scared to log on given every patch has broken something, most of which has yet to be fixed. But fingers crossed.

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17 minutes ago, servers still down. You have an interesting definition of “imminently”.

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maybe its 2 hours to turn the servers on

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In the scale of the universe, even 3 hours would be imminent. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe we’re just not looking at the bigger picture.

Play button just pop’d

guess the dev team is staying on late tonight lol

Im sure getting Plunderstorm into the main game UI is the first step to getting ALL WoW modes into 1 universal game load (im blanking on the correct word).

i believe to them imminently is 2:59 pm pst

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Imminent is the new soon


Servers Offline. We did it.

damn, Imminent is lagging

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Thank youuuuuu


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Imminence is a lie.

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I like turtles :turtle: