Plunderstorm is now available in this region!

Honestly, if Plunderstorm actually used more WoW assets for their skills, so it felt like collecting, ya know, WARCRAFT things to do the fights, it would be better. Picking up Tomes of Fel Magic that teach you a Plunderstorm style Chaos Bolt, or reskinning all the abilities to just feel more like skills you’d see from real classes.

Then you can add some wild special stuff like the “Skull of Gul’dan” and you just use Metamorphosis for a few seconds as abig buff, etc etc. Just anything to make Plunderstorm feel like it was actually connected to WoW other than using the WoW engine.


OOOH Update!! waits on pins and needles

Mine as well, and it is slow as molasses.

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cant wait to play WowNight

Just now I got a 374MB update, I guess client side patch is needed to fix whatever they broke a few minutes ago

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Depends what the issues with pluderstorm are. If the mode is causing issues with other areas of the game, then it’s more than just the pluderstormers.

Just make Plunderstorm a separate game already.


if they did that, they could do a lot more micro transactions to make more money which is the whole goal?

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If they made a separate game they can do whatever they want for all I care. lol


It’s updating game.

yes that would be cool.

that is what makes wow great. make a new plunderstorm. pve only. players dive in and run around which ever zone they phase into, find hidden secrets that when combined will summon this boss that drops mounts etc… and if you dont get the mount with rng you get currency and after attaining enough you can buy the mount regardless.

that is the sorta thing i can get into. like have felwood as a random zone. players dive in. collect guldan skull fragments. once enough fragments are collected by the group guldan is summoned. chance at some nice fel mount and mog etc…

that would get me pumped to log in. but plunderstorm as is. well thats a hard pass.


Game updated but servers are still down. SHOCKER.

yeah, a lil update for the stuff they broke just now

The update probably broke the servers or something.

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when immediately cause it still offline after the update

It’s stuck on update.


I don’t suppose any of you here ever flew in Arathi after the first Plunderstorm?

This comes as no surprise to me.

imminently - different word :stuck_out_tongue:


You sound fun.