Plunderstorm is now available in this region!

that would suck for people like me who can only play Tuesdays & Wednesdays :broken_heart:

No they are just time gating imminently thats all

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they up now.

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Sounds good to me. I wasnt going to touch plorm anyway.

up now everyone flood! CAUSE A DDOS!


No problem. You can delay Plunderstorm till next week or the week after if that works best for you guys. This week is busy enough with current Retail content.

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Well great, you all logged in at the same time as me, and my laptop burst into flames… there goes my tax return :stuck_out_tongue:


Like the classic days. He comes the wait lines.

You’re the procyonidae, Kaivax

Time for the vault of disappointment!

GOt my skysnek on login,

I think the point is it will be soon-ish. Its imminently, not immediately.
[Imminent means likely to occur at any moment or likely to happen very soon]

Well, that’s just a real shame.

No, it’s not, but…no it’s not.

Thankyou for making the game available, but why wait till the day Plunderstorm is released to announce it will be available?

I don’t think I’ve seen any advertisements for it.

Yeah. I think most people realize this. I’m just poking fun at Blizzard. lol

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Take servers back and don’t add any mode. Just make a separated game.

Ppl who play this is just to collect transmog, they really don’t care about this plunder storm. It’s just a intern’s idea.

Question for the devs: Is the goal of Plunderstorm to attract a new player base, or please the existing one?

Cuz I don’t see how it’s supposed to do either.

Question for the forum trolls: Is there a blog post or an interview with a dev explaining why Plunderstorm is a good thing?

I would find it interesting to hear the thoughts behind it, because personally, I don’t play WoW for PvP, and I don’t play Fortnite, and I don’t want WoW to be like Fortnite, and I don’t want WoW down all day so it can launch a Fortnite mode.

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I missed plunderstorm the first time. Can anyone explain how one plays this? Is it a seperate client? Or more like a pvp or dungeo queue?


Right now you can’t. Currently, there’s a “Modes” tab at the top of the Warband screen, so I’m guessing when Plunderstorm is added, the drop down from that tab will lead you there.

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