that would suck for people like me who can only play Tuesdays & Wednesdays
No they are just time gating imminently thats all
they up now.
Sounds good to me. I wasnt going to touch plorm anyway.
up now everyone flood! CAUSE A DDOS!
No problem. You can delay Plunderstorm till next week or the week after if that works best for you guys. This week is busy enough with current Retail content.
Well great, you all logged in at the same time as me, and my laptop burst into flames… there goes my tax return
Like the classic days. He comes the wait lines.
You’re the procyonidae, Kaivax
Time for the vault of disappointment!
GOt my skysnek on login,
I think the point is it will be soon-ish. Its imminently, not immediately.
[Imminent means likely to occur at any moment or likely to happen very soon]
Well, that’s just a real shame.
No, it’s not, but…no it’s not.
Thankyou for making the game available, but why wait till the day Plunderstorm is released to announce it will be available?
I don’t think I’ve seen any advertisements for it.
Yeah. I think most people realize this. I’m just poking fun at Blizzard. lol
Take servers back and don’t add any mode. Just make a separated game.
Ppl who play this is just to collect transmog, they really don’t care about this plunder storm. It’s just a intern’s idea.
Question for the devs: Is the goal of Plunderstorm to attract a new player base, or please the existing one?
Cuz I don’t see how it’s supposed to do either.
Question for the forum trolls: Is there a blog post or an interview with a dev explaining why Plunderstorm is a good thing?
I would find it interesting to hear the thoughts behind it, because personally, I don’t play WoW for PvP, and I don’t play Fortnite, and I don’t want WoW to be like Fortnite, and I don’t want WoW down all day so it can launch a Fortnite mode.
I missed plunderstorm the first time. Can anyone explain how one plays this? Is it a seperate client? Or more like a pvp or dungeo queue?
Right now you can’t. Currently, there’s a “Modes” tab at the top of the Warband screen, so I’m guessing when Plunderstorm is added, the drop down from that tab will lead you there.