Plunderstorm is great!

until you get seen by another player and run for your life and die.

Remove PVP from Plunderstorm and it’s fun.

Not many like PVP in WoW…so lets make a PVP event…only Blizzard could think this was smart.


Honestly you cant really have a Battle Royale without PvP, but locking that mog behind it. Now THAT was dumb.


Been running duos with my wife. We have a GREAT time running around, killing mobs, hitting up the chests.

If we get spotted, we usually just run off into the storm. Whoever dies last gets a bit of extra plunder this way. Last game we did I got about 1.1k.


My good goat, this is a Wendy’s…


It’s a PvP mode. No.

Many of us like PvP. Apparently, we don’t exist, and don’t deserve to have extremely casual content made for us. Disgusting mindset.

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Do we know how much longer this event is going to go on?

May 14. So there is plenty of time to complete the event. The work to get the outfit and title is much, but so are the players. Several players come from PVP servers all they do is kill be killed and kill again. Try to glide on the parrot and wait and see where others land before you head down.

Theres always Warmode, but this is an RP server, just gotta be patient until more horde come from WRA. Although there are the CR Bandits always harassing the king and Goldshire. Perfect place to kill them. I would love to see a real Stormwind knights guild that actually killed pvpers and defended the king and his lands. Including GS and Duskwood.

If you get to level 40 and the title/tabard, help others out by making yourself a good target for them to kill to increase their plunder payout.

I am curious upon completion if the plunder score is just a level score or a gold amount players can get once the event is completed. Why keep it in the top right corner otherwise?

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There is a guild thats been working on getting off the ground to do this. Maybe not knights in shining armor like you suggest, but they’re there.

Don’t let the Oct post date fool ya, they’re still around.