<The Thirty-Eighth> (Heavy RP-PvP) is recruiting!

As you find yourself in an Alliance capital or settlement you may find a parchment bearing the Seventh Legion’s sigil. If you would care to read the item you would discern the following message etched in a royal blue ink.

“The Thirty-Eighth Company is recruiting able-bodied members of the Alliance. Persons seeking employment in the Alliance’s armed forces are urged to seek out members of the above mentioned company of the 7th Legion. Duties range from investigations to campaigns in foreign lands. If you have the scorching desire and drive to serve king and land, seek us out in Stormwind City as well as Boralus Harbor.”

                  About the Thirty-Eighth Company

The 38th Company is a Heavy RP/PvP guild founded on Wrymrest-Accord in late 2018. We are a bunch who enjoys open world RP, D20 campaigns, and World PvP when it’s available. The company is a mixture of soldiers of Alliance races brought into the Seventh Legion. Though the 38th suffered a devastating defeat in Draenor years ago by the Horde forces we have returned to the fold and serve the King as well as the peoples of the Alliance again. Under the newfound leadership of Faldrien Bladesong, we wait and rebuild in the cold of Northrend, Azeroth’s crown.

                        OOC Guild Rules

1.) We participate in violent themes, know what to expect.
2.) No OOC disrespect. Homophobia, racism, sexism, etc. are grounds for removal.
3.) We do not chat about sensitive subjects in chats. Suicide, politics, religion, etc.
4.) Keep IC and OOC matters separate. There is no need for unnecessary drama.
5.) Absolutely no godmodding or metagaming. We are here to have fun!
6.) Do your utmost to stay within the confines of canon lore. We will help with this.

                        IC Guild Rules

1.) IC actions = IC consequences here.
2.) Absolutely no Horde races or those unfriendly to the Alliance will be recruited.
3.) No one is ‘gifted’ rank. We’re all here for fun, we all go through the seasons.
4.) No pacifists! Peace seeking characters are allowed, but we are a unit of soldiers.
5.) ERP is to be kept OUTSIDE of public chats and spaces. This is zero tolerance here.
6.) Keep to Alliance colors and tabards at official guild and community events.
7.) Character prejudices are allowed, but only given that they can co-exist in the unit.

                      The 38th's Chain of Command

Captain: Faldrien Bladesong - (GM & Commanding Officer)
1st Lieutenant: N/A (Co-GM & leading officer in absence of acting Captain)
2nd Lieutenant: N/A (Advanced officer and responsible for other officers)
Master Sergeant: Alaeric Townsend (Entry level officer)
Master Sergeant: N/A (Entry level officer)
Master Sergeant: N/A (Entry level officer)

                         In Closing

Thanks for reading! If you’re interested in joining or just want to come hang out with us, feel free to do so. Need aid in World PvP? feel free to hit us up for that as well. We look forward to RPing with everyone on Moonguard in the future. Best wishes to all of you.

How to get me?

Discord Tag: faldrien
Battle.Net Tag: Vorak#11376
Twitter U/N: faldrien_38


Oh gosh. What nerds.

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