Plunderstorm gets a Dragonriding Mount but S4 Raiders don't?

I’m sure they will take player feedback and sit in a room discussing it.

Sad community has better ideas and faster.

Heh Blizzard has never really been known for thinking for themselves. Stolen ideas all around.

Another person butthurt over something that has literally no bearing on the game. We could have no season 4 and just deal with it like pre shadowlands. Cant we just enjoy the content we are getting?

Wel, you know, Plunderstorm is this big crazy innovative thing, and Season 4 Raiding is just the…
Huh, I’m trying to be sarcastic here, but in the end it just showed Season 4 Raiders got boned again, not only by not having new raids, but no mount… Oi… And most likely the gear is gonna be previous season rehashes with updated IL… Oi…
Dang it I accidentally Complement Plunderstorm! I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!

Not a fan of flying Weasels?

The number of people who are completely clueless that almost every flying mount in the game will be dynamic flying (dragonriding) before the year is out blows my mind… they complain about the lack of new dragon riding mounts just before we get a massive explosion of them.

Dude, chill, its coming.


Someone doesn’t like something on retail “retail dead” lol y’all been saying that for 20 years but go off I guess

I get that, but if cutting a 4th full tier is necessary to avoid either a year long content drought or having the next expansion’s launch patch be a disaster (which so far has proven to be the case), bring on the current style S4.

I just think 3 raid tiers is what they want cadence wise. They’ve talked about it for a while now. If 3 tiers give the room to make 3 awesome raids, I’d rather have that then 4 subpar feeling raids.