Plunderstorm gets a Dragonriding Mount but S4 Raiders don't?

Now before people start raising their pitchforks, allow me to explain:

I do not have an issue with Plunderstorm. The purpose of this is not to be inflammatory towards people who like Plunderstorm. This is an issue with Awakened (Fated) Raid rewards.


This is very frustrating. I talked about this before, but now that the dust has settled, and Blizzard very clearly has been silent about this, I want to bring attention to it again. Not only did we get screwed out of a cool looking mount, but it isn’t even Dragonriding. (Despite Dynamic Flight being around the corner.) Why would anyone ever want a Night Fae Wilderling as a reward for completing Dragonflight raids? Sure, the mount by itself is fine, the coloration is nice - but not only does it not make sense, but it isn’t unique and it isn’t a satisfying reward. The amount of people that participated exclusively for the slime cat was very high.

Not every reward has to be “perfect”, not every reward has to be unique, not every reward has to be what I want, but this mount is horrible. It doesn’t fit Dragonflight’s theme at all, it isn’t representative of anything the players want, plus we have a lot of recolors of this mount already, given the massive success of Dragonriding, you would figure that Blizzard would capitalize on it by making a new skin for any of the existing mounts, even if not a new one entirely.

What gives? Why was the Season 4 KSM mount in Shadowlands changed days after datamining it, but arguably one of the worst raid reward mounts to date has gone under the radar for almost a week?

Beyond disappointed.


A pleasant surprise.


With dragon riding being the new norm and turning into dynamic flight, did we need yet another mount or mount variant skin? This doesn’t feel like a huge issue to me

I’d rather see 4 real raid tiers rather than 3 + a around the world tier, but at least we are getting something compared to 3 + waiting until the next xpack.

Well remember, just because something is datamined doesn’t mean it’s going to be that thing for sure. Whatever is datamined could always be a placeholder for something.

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It is actually listed as a dragonriding mount in the mount tab, which actually has me a little excited. That means I’ll have cloud serpents capable of dynamic flight in TWW.


That mount is dumb looking lol.


Fated in Shadowlands had an over 50% drop in participation vs. season 3. The number of people who will be raiding in season 4 probably won’t justify a flying mount reward.

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I’d assume that going forward, we’re going to get more dragonriding mounts as time progresses. I feel it’s less of a question of “do we need more” and more of “why not”. Just because we’ve had the inverse for so long, and more customization isn’t ever a bad thing. Just my two cents.

Of course - as it stands nothing has changed, so I am just going with the assumption that it will proceed as the reward. If there’s any new information, I am open to it.

Well yeah i get that but just because we have something new it won’t stop them from giving us say, a ground mount from time to time. I guess what I’m saying is just because it’s a raid reward or a ‘x’ reward doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be a say dynamic flight mount /vs/ ground mount.

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OMG Yes it is and no it’s not

I’ve super enjoyed my m+ mounts with dynamic flying this xpac. :melting_face:

My expectations be like: An illusion, what are you hiding!


Looks notwithstanding, I have provided you with new info. All you have to do is look it up in the mount tab to see it. I do agree that it is underwhelming, but it does at least have dragonriding functionality. :sweat_smile:

Fair enough - I didn’t have access to my PC atm so I appreciate the updated info. I’ll correct it here in a little bit. :slight_smile:

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It could just be that they had already added dragon riding animations to the parrot for the Plunderstorm drop at the beginning.

You realize they’re making a bunch of flying mounts dynamic flight capable in War Within, right? Given how many use this particular model rig, I would be incredibly surprised if it wasn’t among them.



It says it’s a Dragonriding mount. Looks awesome too.

Also why does your title (and others like it) imply exclusivity. Any player can do both this event and the awakened raids.

Also, if you look at that Wowhead article, the link to the item, as you mouse over it, shows the tooltip for the item, which states: “Use: Summons and dismisses a ridable Voyaging Wilderling. This is a dragonriding mount.”

/moo :cow:


The parrot looks cool but can’t land.

We have an NPC parrot that can perch in the starting area before you flap into the PS zone.

Blizzard, can our bird land as well?


The new rule is you have to be grateful for everything blizzard does because development is hard with a bare billion dollar budget.


What? do you all not have roosts?

i see nothing wrong with this