Plunderstorm cosmetics grind

I get a mild form of anxiety from PvP gameplay. I avoid it as much as possible in retail (honor rank is nearly 10), but every so often, I will challenge myself to jump in (like with anniversary Korrak’s, or Plunderstorm, or what have you), to see if I can overcome it for a time. I managed to get all of the rewards last time, mostly by PvEing near the storm edge, and only engaging if someone wouldn’t leave me be. I haven’t jumped in this time, yet, since I don’t feel like I am ready, and have plenty of self-made goals to work on in Retail.

not our fault; that’s the way blizzard has been designing world of warcraft for a while now. they’re the ones who turned it into a collection game, not the playerbase.

not wanting to argue! just… y’know, wanted to point that out there. they’re the ones who make the collection-tab, not us.

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My friend who plays healer hates PvP but her desire for new mounts outweighed her dislike and she ground out enough plunder for every mount in Plorm in about a day.

lol complaining in discord all the way
“No! go away! go away! go awa… DAMMIT!! Why does everyone hate me? I hate this damn game!!”
rant rant rage rage… requeue…

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I added my account to the post feel free to add me if you want to jump in. I’d be happy to help u grind it out.

how is it a grind i played all day yesterday, i got 2 kills the entire time and i have all mounts , tender and that purple set and a 2k weapon

Even in Solo, people are quite bloodthirsty in my experience. If someone starts approaching, they usually attack without a second thought. I can sneak around easily enough though, at least most of the time. There are games where I die early, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. :man_shrugging:

Not if they are lower level than you or they see you have fire swirl lol

Plenty of complaints on the forums. Like I said it’s way shorter and I knocked everything out in like 2-3 hours.

Yea i dont really like Fortnite so i dont engage in pvp

By the time I come across anyone, they are usually higher than I am. :sweat_smile:

Get slows or movement items , its funny these guys chase me for like 15 mins while in just collecting plunder


I’ll snag what I can along the way, but as long as I stay far and away from any conflict, I’m usually good for at least 600-1k plunder. I focus more on barrels and maybe an Ambush item if I’m fortunate enough. If someone approaches me to fight, I’ll just accept my fate and try to fight back. No point in running, honestly.


Yea thats what i get usually, im kinda done now, i dont know if i want the red set

It’s cheaper than the new set so I figured I’d just snag that one while I was at the grind. Got both sets day 1.

Yea yesterday i got all 5 mounts, new set, 2k wep, and 250 tender… i guess ill do more since theres nothing to do in retail

I got the tender last time, and am a bit disappointed that I can’t get it again this time.

Bro, you’re turning down an easy 750 TP tenders. You should at least go for that! You could probably be done in an hour or two at the most.

Personally, I wanted the purple pirate mog and the tenders. I got what I wanted and I’m done with it. I hate PVP, but I recognize some rewards for putting up with it for a few hours was worth it.

Also, hey Blizzard; stop with the recolored mounts! It’s lazy game design. As much money as your company brings in hire a team who’s job it is to come up with original content instead of lazy recolors!

Don’t need it, have a nice pile at the moment. Because I only buy what I like, I don’t need EVERYTHING.

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Yea i didnt do plunderstorm last time cuz renown grind was horrid

Normally I’m with you and don’t burn many tenders each month; but I’m not going to lie, the steampunk stuff broke me! I gotta start saving again!:joy: