Plunderstorm cosmetics grind

Just like the “watch a video, get a mount”, you won’t find one in my stable. I can’t tolerate being “forced” to do anything I don’t wanna do, so I don’t.

All you have to do is not care about the pixels you didn’t get, and can never own, which makes it pretty damn easy.

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u can just do a match a day for the 1050 free plunder

i’ve done 3 matches now and only have 700 plunder

Definitely a based take.

u get 800 for completing the 250 quest once daily so 1050 together and the quest can be done instnalty

how? ive done 4 matches now, i only have 800 plunder and no quest other than “captains orders” which it does not further elaborate on and doesnt show what the objective is in game

thats the quest that gives 250 plunder and daily 800

must be a ui problem idk

I’m well aware it’s much easier. It’s the last line of my post. It’s crazy quick this time.

About what I do, or I’ll skirt the outside edge of the storm and make my way in slowly as it contracts. It’s usually pretty easy to stack up 800-1000 plunder before someone finally messes with me. One game the people were so chill in it I wound up getting 2k, which was a surprise. Every so often you’ll have someone land not far from you and attack right off the bat. When that happens I just go “Do your thing” and join a new round once I die.

are there new cosmetics for it, or are they the same as last time?

just asking cause i barely unlocked anything back then and gave-up on getting them. might give it another shot if it’s the old stuff again.

If you want help with the gring hit me up, we can definitely get 1k a run easy.

Outside of around 2-3 games where I had rotten luck, I’ve been able to consistently get 500-1k plunder, at least. Had two where I got over 3k.

Just go around and slap mobs and run over every pile of plunder you see. You don’t even really have to go after other players until late game or if they’re really insistent. Most PKers don’t have much plunder if they’re ignoring mobs, anyway.

From my experience I get 2x /3x more plunder doing solo vs duo.

The problem with duo is people want to fight as soon as the match starts. Solo games I often just see people run passed each other while farming.

If you’re part of the “mounts then I’m out” crowd like me then just bang it out solo.

There are some recolors of the same models as last time. The black and silver captain set looks really good imo.

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ahh… but are the old ones still there though? like, if i theoretically got to the… max renown for plunderstorm, would i get the red set as well? :thinking:

I was shocked how quickly I got enough Plunder to buy the stuff I want… feels like they’re only expecting the engage folks for like a week or 2 with it…

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Yes. Nothing got removed.


Old ones are there too. No renown track (THANK GOD) you just buy what you want with the plunder you earn in the games. MUCH better than last time.


oh thank god… now i don’t feel as pressured to grind it out like i did last time… where i’d go in, be in a match for about 7 seconds, get 1-shot, and then be mad as hell for the next several hours, both cause i could’nt just pop-into another match, and cause i knew it was a limited-time event and felt that fomo hanging over my head…

THANK, FRIKKIN, GOD. that sounds 1000x better than how it was before! renown grinds SUCK. they’re just rep-grinds with a new name!


“I don’t enjoy this, but I’m so addicted to collecting that I can’t be expected use my own self control. Blizzard has to do this for me by not adding things that I don’t like so that I won’t be tempted into playing them for 8 hours a day without enjoyment.” - Every plunder storm hate thread.

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