Plunderstorm cosmetics grind

Personally I know a lot of us love the plunderstorm mode, but there are a bunch who hate it and feel like they have to grind. If you need help with the grind you can use this thread to request assistance with the grind, or if you’re willing to help people let them know.

I’d be happy to help people out when I’m free. I’ve already grinded all the cosmetics and have a blast with the game mode.

I’m GrumpieBear#1746. Feel free to add me if you want some help.

On the plus side for the people who hate it, it’s a much much shorter grind than last time.


Not really much of a grind if people were finishing within a day or two lol.


The people who don’t enjoy it sure are vocal about it in games though


Only those collectors that “must have” everything.

I didn’t do the first PS, and won’t be doing this one. No reward is worth playing a game mode I don’t enjoy.


Previous plunderstorm I grinded it first week & later to be announced a big boost in plunder, like a 300% increse, same with panda remix.

So ill wait a couple of weeks to start the grind.


How do you know if someone doesn’t like Plunderstorm?
Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.


It’s currently the same boosted plunder rates that they had at the end of plunderstorm 1

So I’m not sure they’ll boost it further cuz it’s pretty doable to get everything in a few days with little effort

Anything can be a grind if you don’t like doing it… even if it only takes a day or two. Honestly, I don’t think transmogs are worth enough to make me do something I don’t like.


I admit I didn’t want to play PL first time around as I wasn’t going to grind something I don’t enjoy for a reward.

But this time around there’s no linear grind and currency per round is quite high even when you spend like 5 minutes just collecting.

So even on my first game where I just collected some stuff I ended up with enough to buy a few pieces of the pirate set and I can just play some rounds here and there till I bought what I want and skip the rest.

They are worse than vegans

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It’s still fortnite busy work that has no place in WoW while people are trying to save Azreoth

i legit just land in the area with the big mob in the middle like stonehenge no one goes there i level up to 8 and get like 1000 plunder before ever seeing anyone else and by then im satisifed enough idc if i die


There really isn’t much of a grind anymore. The renown track is gone. All of the Plunder you earn each round is transfered to be used at the store. If you earn 1500 tender in 1 round thats 1500 tender you can spend. Also the new set costs 5500 total and that is like 6 games, assuming you get at least 1k tender a game.

Edit: also you can still get the stuff from the last time it was out. It’s much cheaper than the new items.

I wish more people would realize this.


that is great when it works. otoh you can land, have someone land on top of you and get killed quick, sent back to lobby with like 25 tender.

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i actually did that to someone but didnt kill them but they stood in the same spot and waited for me to kill them

i actually went away to fight mobs and they went up to die in my aoe

Eh, depends on your tolerance. I can tolerate things I don’t like for certain rewards.


You can also get that amount from a single game too.

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The grind this time is much easier. I got all of the cosmetics within a couple hours of playing (on the first night)

it honestly feels like some kind of hazing ritual or something where they make all the non pvp players line up and take their spankings and humiliation for a dole out of cosmetics and tender you cant get elsewhere.

its miserable, especially for people like myself with motor disability and heart tachycardia. pvp is really an awful game mode but if you want the cosmectics and tender you have no choice but to endure it