Pls remove leeway mechanic

It was introduced some time in MOP after all classes had their deadzones removed. The first deadzone removal was for Hunters in 2.3

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bump .


Did you watch the horde pvp tournament? Mages will be fine.

signed, I even play melee and it would be a massive buff for my class.

bump .


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No they don’t. I quoted to reply to the first part about being wrong. And then once I got the reply box, I saw the second part.

Everything here is completely wrong.

Edit: @OP, I’d agree if you can prove it was added later. I definitely remember getting some wonky ranged hits in with my warrior back in vanilla. I also find it odd that so far both videos showing this test have someone face running into a wall.

Would be nice to see it replicated in an actual game situation: Crippling on the Warrior, Hamstring on the Rogue, Rogues running away with the Warrior giving chase. If they can consistently replicate non-stop weapon hits from the warrior, while the rogue is out of 5 yrd range -while actually moving somewhere in the world, and not running no where-, then its clear and concrete not Vanilla like.

I asked my brother and Dad about leeway in MoP and both said they didn’t experience anything like what is described or shown in videos.

It’s most likely a WoD or newer thing.

Ah, man serious bugs just because they didn’t want to use old client. :frowning:

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Yeah that feels like a bug but I’m certain it’s not, that really shouldn’t be in the game for launch as that really messes with PvP.

just youtube literally any vanilla pvp video from melee pov.

or u can go look at akrios videos from bc where he still 3-7 kites bc leeway still didn’t exist

or i’m sure there’s an arena video of someone doing it in wotlk as well just literally pick ur poison

the long ranged hits u remember getting were attacks that had already gone off and the number showed later.

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Soooo, who didn’t have a clue about this until videos that went up just a little while ago? :smiley:

not sure what u mean, this would be the first time i see it due to the fact i refuse to watch beta streams. i’m not interested in beta gameplay, blizzard doesn’t exactly deserve free labor from anyone, including me.

need to earn some good will.

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Having troubles finding a video where someone strafes back and forth 10 yards away from another person running head first into an obstacle and gets melee hits on them.

I’m not arguing its non-existance, I’m aruging whether or not those particular elements bug out a feature that was apart of Vanilla. You can say it wasn’t in Vanilla, but you’re first link is to a video where the person states that it was for latency issues. So which is it?

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We’re not getting vanilla, we’re getting classic.

Precisely. It very much was a classic mechanic to help minimize the sensation that the game was “cheating” you (your local position on your computer being in range, but the server has you at a position 1-2 meters further out and it denies your ability/swing).

Just like with Spell Batching, “Leeway” should and will remain.

i mean i can link u a plethora of olden days videos proving that it doesn’t exist.

the video in the OP is just a demonstration of the mechanic, notice how he didnt’ say it was added in vanilla wow. it was just added.

that’s because it was not present in vanilla wow, and it shouldn’t be present in classic. now since you will do literally ZERO work on your own. i will show you.


vanilla and bc era videos, so both should have this leeway mechanic according to everyone apparently, neither do. weird.

i time stamped both at points in which leeway should be active and people should be getting clapped up with a sniper rifle.

you’re welcome.

now remove leeway

also there is nowhere in this entire thread where i complain about spell batching existing bc it should exist.

so stop trying to use that as an argument pls.


and thread, nice troll job

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nice 1400 bud also nice 20% winrate

It wasn’t. It was added after all classes had the deadzone mechanic removed starting in patch 2.3 with the Hunter as the first to have the deadzone removed.

After all classes had the deadzone removed, Blizz eventually added this in MoP.

So if it was added some time after all deadzones were removed and the first deadzone was removed in 2.3 -> it wasn’t in Vanilla.
