It’s next to impossible to get a full clear in LFR, it gives way worse gear and is almost always very unorganized. No one doing LFR is going to be competing with you for a spot in normal raids once they have completed their LFR runs. I don’t ever do it, most people do not and it is not like LFG which gives the same exact experience, same exact mogs, LFR has it’s own mog sets, it’s own loot table all separate from regular raids.
You can do non LFR content and buy LFR mog later on so you never have to step foot in LFR ever.
What item level will you need to queue for these H+ dungeons where you can get 391 to 397 gear? 370? 380? and how are new players who hit 85 at 310 to 320 going to get to 370, 380?
The catch up system isn’t really a catch up system.
I personally would LFR since Grobb was choked off and now its pretty much dead. Just waiting for free realm transfers so that I can fill in the rest of my raid and guild. LFR would be optimal for me at this point, also I miss raiding on more than one toon. There are no pop up raids anymore its all guild runs which makes thing difficult unless i want to commit to an overlapping raid time or something that would only allow for 3 hours of sleep. Both of which sound terrible personally
Personally i would say players need to be 380 to que for them but knowing blizzard theyll make like it 372
Lets see what is available for new players.
3 sets of crafted gear
Valor/Justic BoE gear
heroic dungeon loot
ZA,ZG heroic dungeon loot
Inferno 1.0 dungeon loot
the 2 new 5 man heroic dungeons
There are more options today then there was back in og cata.
Plus LFR required 372 ilvl to que for back in OG cata.
I’m looking forward to LFR. I’m in a wonderful raiding guild but can’t dedicate a certain time to raid anymore. LFR is great for people that can’t set aside dedicated times to raid. It is simple, those folks that don’t like LFR don’t have to use it.
Yeah like me.
Id like to play cata more but cant. Not able to raid in retail either so LFR is my saviour atm.
I pay for a sub why shpuld content be removed. I havent asked for the devs to add LFR sooner than when it came out first time in cata.
But if you want to min/max or your guild require it and etc then its your problem not mine or anybody else problems, why should we be punish and have content remove/not added because you cannot help yourself and HAVE to do (Unnecessary grind?)
Yes I want gear I love to feel strong but, I hate the how many guilds and or pugs function in normal/heroic raids when it comes to looting and even the social aspect to some degree it doesn’t appeal to me its not fun content so I’m not doing it.
LFR however do not require any social or brain power or anything, its easy chill content that I can enjoy even if the gear is pretty trash, I’m doing it for the fun of it not even the gear really.
I do no really care for Dragon Soul LFR but 100% I want LFR in MoP otherwise I will never be able to get the legendary cape which would put me at a massive disadvantage, I would get block from doing the world boss on Timeless Isle and get content gatekeep because some people cannot stop themselves from doing (Unnecessary grind) would be really cringe.
As you feel like repeating the same points I have answered before I will repeat them.
The same way that normal and heroic right now can’t be done together I think it’s fair to have the same for LFR. From the start my point of view hasn’t been if LFR should exist or not, simply that it shouldn’t cater to players that do higher difficulties which if not locked out the same way that normal and heroic did get will end up. A game should designed to be fun even if you min/max.
As long as it’s made that way I don’t care if LFR exist or not as it won’t affect me. If you want LFR it would be easier to prone that stance if you want more people to agree with you.
Show us your level 85 and stop hiding behind a level 13 alt. We will also wait.
If blizz does add LFR ( the devs already said they had no plans to) so thats a really big “IF” It should share the same lockout with normal and heroic. This would make it so that the bad players are not carried by the heroic raiders.
EDIT If blizz does add LFR please dont add Determination that isnt needed force the bads to actually do fights. The mechanics are not even hard in LFR.
we all know you wouldn’t do LFR even if they add it so why would you care whether they have determination mechanic added or not? Sometimes having that buff could easily help the groups because you can easily get grouped in a way that people have low dmg.
Or people (the ones that their parents should have used a form of birth control that night) could simply tell those players what they are doing wrong. Imagine helping some one instead of being a piece of crap. Players like you are a cancer to this game.
There’s still the same issue that led to its inception in the first place though: Link achieve for invite.
This locks out anyone who isn’t in a raiding guild from raiding at all for the most part, which is a bad practice when you want to keep subs in a game designed primarily to funnel the players into raids.