Pls don't add LFR

Hmmm… I was not aware that you were my “buddy”.
LFR is not needed according to whom exactly?

Just because you don’t think it is not needed does not = it is not needed but please do continue down your toxic condescending (un)TED talk.


Some elitists are so terrified that lowly, casual players might be able to experience raids. It’s honestly pretty funny. They’re so scared.

And they think if they repeat something enough, it’ll make it true.


They should add it. If you don’t like LFR, don’t do LFR. Just like PvP - I absolutely abhor PvP, but aside of wishing all players who ever played a rogue would have their accounts permabanned, I don’t think removing it would be good for the game.


I totally agree. I don’t PVP (other than the occasional quest during the holidays). That does not mean I don’t want others to play it because I don’t. Enjoy the game how you want to enjoy it.


I suspect Mr. elitist is an unhappy person in his/her real life so they don’t have many other things to do other than to see if they can bring others down to his/her level. It is a typical tactic from those w/HPD issues.


Based on the fact that the new infernos will allow people to buy Heroic Firelands gear which is far higher ilvl then LFR. Which means they should be able to complete normal easier with the gear. Having 2 forms of Catch up gear is not needed for the last phase!!!

You have to be the most miserable person on earth. Almost all of your posts are in one way or another trying to deny other peoples enjoyments. You need professional help from a psychiatrist.


Maybe I enjoy playing the game without QoL changes and catch up mechanic’s that where never part of the Original game!! I know others who feel this way as well. Guess what someone eleses enjoyments impead on other peoples displeasures does not mean that they need to seek professional help.

FYI Enjoy your vacation i reported you for ToS violations thats something else i enjoy doing.

So you’re enjoying the game with things that don’t affect you in any way, shape, or form (unless you use them)? Hilarious!

*Were not where. You’re so angry you forgot how to spell… That is sad.

In your case it absolutely constitutes as you needing help. I do not believe you to be psychologically safe and sound of mind. I’ve had friends that are no longer in this world that acted just like you. They made the unfortunate decision to end it.

I haven’t broken the TOS in any way.


You say you have not broken any ToS??

This last post was 100% inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting. which is guidlines for trolling. according to Blizzard.

is also a TOS violation. Also correcting peoples spelling in the manor of which you did is also a form of trolling. This is the internet not a coolage essay paper.

Not at all. Being concerned about another persons mental well being is not trolling.

No, it is not.


You should just stop feeding him. He’s a toxic, elitist troll who can’t stand people enjoying the game in a way which he doesn’t like. He brags about kicking people for playing certain specs. In braindead easy content. He is the exact type of player Blizz should be banning from the game.


I agree. It’s not healthy for him and especially for other players.


You do understand that LFR won’t be mandatory, right?

Just like when LFR was introduced years ago at the end of Cata, you’re free to not do it if you don’t like it…


LFR Will not be released as it is not needed. Saying its not mandotory is funny. You do understand that guilds do make it mandatory to do LFR to try and get trinkets and tier right? as it does help with progression.

LFR is not needed tho since having LFR + inferno 2.0 dungeons giving people the ability to buy heroic Firelands gear which has a higher ilvl then LFR does. Makes running Normals even easier then they would have been for people who went to normal raids in normal firelands gear. or LFR gear. Casuals can easily do normal raids they are accessible at a very easy difficulty LFR is not needed.

Besides the devs already said they had no plans to release LFR in cata.

[citation needed]


go look up the interview the devs had with crix

Many “casuals” don’t have time to do an entire raid, so LFR wings work great for them.


The one where they said the option is still on the table, especially with feedback?



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