Plese player player homes to wow

I had my epic mount in vanilla, wasent too bad i dont think

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We have mounts, a toy and vendors galore for repairs and transmog. Why on earth would anyone want to go to a “player house” everytime they want/need to do those things?

Total truth. I didn’t even start until wrath, but if how hard it was to get the gold for that first epic mount is any indication of what it was like in vanilla, then ewwwww

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wHy oN eArTh wOuLd aNyOnE eNjoY tHiS

Is how you naysayers sound. Plenty of players would enjoy proper playerhousing, stop gatekeeping weird stuff.

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FF housing is awesome. Getting a house?

 I wish it was instanced.

First, I don’t give a crap one way or the other whether they implement player housing or not. It’s not a system I would waste my time with. If I want to build and decorate a house I will load up Sims, the options will forever be better.

All I asked is why someone would want to travel out of their way to repair or transmog something (as those were the things specifically listed in the op). If you’re going to say RP reasons, well it really doesn’t make much sense to leave a battle bc your sword broke to go home, repair and then come back an hour later and pick up where you left off.

Reign in your hostility just a little bit.

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Oh boy here we go again. :slight_smile:

The WoW community just isn’t built for it. Some don’t care about anything that isn’t endgame progression, others think Garrisons were player housing and are just ignorant on the topic.

Bottom line is almost every other MMO has it without it being a problem to the game. But the WoW community is to skeptical and jaded to ever accept it.

You do realize it isn’t #1 anymore, right?

We have garrisons.

Ive never understood the obsession with wanting player housing.
I have a house I can decorate IRL.
There are house decorating games to play.

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Adds more variety and content to the game.
Most people play for collectables anyway.

Garrisons were a good idea, but implemented poorly.


Whos #1 then, i know its not wow

Says old runes scape ranks higher than wow lol

The ranking is weird. A lot of them are saying baldurs gate is 1, with ffxiv 2-3

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What about a legendary Leg Lamp?


Ngl. I want a peaceable lady orc leg lamp toy.

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Agreed. Garrisons was 10 years ago. Nothing to do with now, and they were poorly implemented as well for 2024

I can’t understand why everyone keeps ignoring garrisons.

Have you checked out garrison’s in WOD? It’s what you are asking for.

Also, probably the best house decorating game of all time is The Sims. Check that out as well!
