Plese player player homes to wow

Please bring player homes to WOW, with actual transmog and repair armor merchants. I would buy instantly, in so would many other players from your shop. The transmog is fun, but not fun as ESO. Because your look is not locked like in ESO, meaning whatever you are wearing is tranmogged, however you add one piece of armor that is not transmogged, your transmog look doos not anymore. Obviously eso is transmog is 10000 times more fun. Even with them locking the looks of your transmog like ESO, I’d still buy day one in your shop, for armor repair and tramog merchants/.like many other players.

As long as there weren’t household items dropping in raids I’d be fine. But I’ve played an mmo with player housing and instead of gear I’d get a damn lamp… I DONT WANT A LAMP I WANT A LAGENDARY SWORD! it really hindered progress.


I want a house with big walls so that no Gnomes can come inside.


Final Fantasy got player homes rated #1 mmo on the market too

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They should make deeds. And only people who have deeds get housing drops.

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Its should be like FF, I think FF its kinda expensive to get a house, people want it in wow, but what if its like 2 mill people would cry

I like ESO’s housing better.


let’s try that one more time with the title, OP.



Don’t underestimate the lava lamp…

Bow Chicka Wow Wow

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I really love the idea of player housing and am kinda disappointed that it hasn’t been announced yet.


The amount of money they would make from whales trying to decorate their housing, it amazes me they haven’t added it yet.


why are you pretending you wouldn’t throw serious cash at this, “pony kisses”?? People talk about whales like some sort of boogeyman…

FF’s housing system is a complete and utter nightmare all for the sake of having an in-game neighborhood.

If they do housing in wow it should be like animal crossing. I want to be God over my neighbors.

Very good point and I agree! You’d think they would have prioritized it more by this time, surely.

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I honestly don’t spend any money on games minus the sub and expansion…

But I do know friends that spent hundreds. For decorations in star wars.

Don’t look in your closet, he could be hiding in there hehe… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Relatively speaking, 2 million for a house is probably easier to raise than 800g for an epic mount in Vanilla.

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let me go check because maybe the whale boogey showers me in endless cash

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