Please Yes ICC DMG Buff

Realm First! Magic Seeker
Participated in the realm first defeat of Malygos in 25-player mode.

Link the notes, this was just one example of a nerf among MANY I could find.

I do know because I actually played Ulduar back in 2009. XT was the first HM we did and it was incredibly easy. Ulduar was WAY more difficult in WoTLK Classic than it was for the vast majority of the time it was current in 2009.


thanks for linking me your main… i checked all your wotlk / cata raid boss’s kill time and you suck harder that what i expected.
you didn’t even do ulduar or any heroic icc back then, now i see why you’re happy doing things 15years later

so i was right when i said

because you seemed clueless

I played on my DK back then. I joined a casual guild after getting server first Malygos/Sarth3D and taking a break for a few months back in original WoTLK.:

I linked my Paladin because it’s the same name.

My Blood DPS alt with slower kill times VS you:


Damage Done (DPS) is only one piece of the Ulduar puzzle. Boss HP is the direct correlation between the two.

Healing done (HPS) is one piece of the Ulduar puzzle. Player HP is the direct correlation between the two.

Damage Taken (DTPS) is one piece of the Ulduar puzzle. Prot Paladin is the direct correlation between the two.

Ulduar hits different. The difference is so servere, the other 3 tank specs were put on the endangered species list, and are unlikely to recover, but it wasn’t mentioned. DPS brain gonna DPS brain.

The only item of interest in regards to DPS in a conversation about Ulduar is the XT-002 they gave us on launch with 47M HP. :rofl: You know, the one that went unkilled in WOTLKC.

The buff should stack every week, just like in OG.

if you have any brain you would see 3x facts.
1-failrogue is not even my main and you could tell by seeing it being created during toc patch.
2-i don’t even care about parsing on failrogue and you could tell when you see elf rogue without engineer
3-i pug on it and most of my togc clear/kill i had between 233~243 item lvl competing vs much better geared rogues so you’re just proving that your dumb if you run straight to search and only look at frost page.

if you’ll uncheck for IL parsing…you’ll see 99% without even trying and not troll nor i have Engineer.

but anyway i farmed icc 25m hc for ~6months 13years ago during original wrath, had 2x invincible on 2x character and ofc have togc immortality in 2009, i would link you my armory but you would be shocked and won’t believe that the account belongs to me so i need to login and take screenshots from there.

also…failrogue For ICC ptr have achiev for 7/12 hc 25m i created a topic about that regarding my ptr experience and guess what? when it arrive on live i won’t even bother doing any boss’s on failrogue & if i won’t kill boss then i won’t parse but who cares :smiley: only trash players or players who sucked in original wrath care about what they do in in 15years old expansion & that’s a fact.

i’ll be offline for while so don’t expect reply fast and feel free to report me for real life threat like you did last time when you was crying xD

the buff was stacking every 4x raid reset in original.

Imagine bragging that you have a 98.9 avg as a blood dps

I’m performing better than you are in ToGC. How much better is UH than Blood? You’re 5% ahead of me on Beasts, buddy. Imagine being the top DPS spec and a meme spec is closing in your DPS with far slower kill times.


Hehe, I’m not bragging tho and there are reasons for that that I don’t need to explain.

Your best Northrend beasts kill time is similar to my best kill (not kill time) that we did with 24 people :slight_smile:

I’m not either, I’m arguing with someone who has been calling me bad/stupid in nearly every post so I’m hitting back. I’m assuming the reason you ignored all of that and singled me out is because you’re someone I upset in the past.

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Not having to wait 10 minutes between each boss pull is not “making the game easier” its making the game not a Fricking exhausting afk slog.
I sure do love “Frick alright 6 minute break guys, gotta wait on CD’s.”

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From a recent interview with Sarthe, one of the Dev said the buff will probably start to appear 2 months after the release of ICC, so you have 2 months to clear ICC before it start becoming much easier.

do you know that the most aspect of progression is time?

among those top world guilds who started raiding at ICC release…some guilds continued none stop raiding for 10hours with too many tries to get 12/12 25m HC. do you think if cd’s wasn’t resetting on each & every try they would have had the 12/12 within same 10hours? OFC NO because otherwise if they had to wait 10min after every wipe then they would extend raid by many hours but till what? till they decide to go sleep and come back in next day which would be huge effect on ranks.
Same goes for those who compete on world first kills…having to manage the cd’s about when should we use the big cd’s and when should we ignore it in our non stop run is a huge factor and require critical thinking skills with right judgment.

same goes for speed runners, if they know that cd’s are up on every single boss then no point to make any decisions about cd’s.

also since it’s obvious that you never played original wrath, No one was waiting 10min every single wipe so most of guilds tries was without full cd’s Unlike Now any try after any wipe is granted to have full cd’s ready, and you can’t even understand or comprehend that? Please go focus on your study and add proper activity for your life to improve your IQ because you’re Dumb AF.

Thankfully, Blizzard confirmed buff is coming. Max 6 weeks from now.

I know it’s one of the early posts i’m replying to, but saying the last content patch brought a bunch of buffs to up dps is wrong. Every physical dps got hugely nerfed in the last patch. The armor penetration change was huge, and no sending things to negative armor. Feral and fury were far and away the top specs back in orig ulduar, and in classic ulduar the classes were the worst non meme spec.

Your name is very accurate speaking you can literally check my acheives and see I played during wrath.
I did play since late vanilla, but was too young so shared with my brother, this account, my own, is from wotlk.

And of course no one is “waiting 10 mins” for every boss, but for progress bosses yeah, why waste repairs and consumes on pulls that obviously won’t get the kill cause you don’t have your big as CD’s.

And I love your “back in wotlk” yeah uhuh mhm so true frfr, lol.

oh so you literally just say no one but you played wrath.

Summon the buff
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