Please Yes ICC DMG Buff

No, I am saying that what you said makes about as much sense as what I said thereafter.

Gear progression is a fine thing to have, but it is not the same as a nerf and trying to put them on the same level is dishonest.

No one suggested removing gear progression from the game either, so not sure what you are on about. You are literally trying to be upset about nothing as some sort of kink or something.


Better gear is a nerf to the content. If you dont want gear to be a nerf to the content then you have to remove gear progression. I dont know what is so hard to understand about this.

The more damage you do then its equivalent to a health nerf to the boss. Greater stam means the boss has to do more damage to to you to kill you and on and on. Its a content nerf.

No, you are trying to add gear progression to the definition of what a nerf is.

They are not the same, and no matter how much you kick and scream that will not change.

Nerf is a term that means to be rendered ineffective or less effective by a change in the rules or game system. Gear progression is not a change to the rule or the game system, so BY DEFINITION is not a nerf.

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I wouldn’t waste too much time with him I linked him an article before directly from Blizzard and he tried telling me blizzard never said what I was saying and it was a direct quote from Blizzard.

Keep up the good fight though, so many people that don’t even play the game on here telling others how it is.

Yes I agree Not at lunch but i wud say bay week 4 Bring out the 5% And every two weeks after till we get to the 30%

We’ve got enough handouts already, and more on the way.

Not at release but I don’t know we’ll say about 5 to 6 weeks in Give her take Because you know the real hardcore guilds are already gonna be clearing the stuff after that Point.

Now granted the stones depend on how long we do have icc In preparation for cata On top of that With blizzcon Just round the corner and what the announce there on the 4-5 So that’s what I would say.

5-6 weeks then Start putting it in I just do it every two weeks after 5% Two weeks after that 10% Et cetera and maybe let people pick between How much of a damage buff they want Give people a little bit more choice.

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P2 was 300% harder than normal. We got a version of ulduar that never existed. Most of the “pre nerf” changes happened during week 1 of the original PTR. This means early in ulduar development they realized stuff was busted and nerfed it, then got reverted for classic.

Ulduar killed so many guilds and it was a complete and utter garbage raid. The “one of the best raids of all time” tier is completely gone for ulduar

Vez requiring 8 orbs for example was never on live servers.


Wrong. When you look up nerf, it means cause to be weak or ineffective. When you get better gear you cause the encounter to become weaker because you are stronger.

Yes they are.

There is a change, your gear becoming better.

it is a change, and the definition does not say anything about a change in the actual system or rules, it just says “cause to be weak or ineffective”.

It didnt say what you said it did.

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Paragraph 6 under approachable and familiar. Sentence 3&4 (Helping you find it since you still think that blizzard never said this)

“A good example of this can be found in the Emblem system from Wrath of the Lich King, which became needlessly complex and confusing by the time we defeated Arthas. We’re planning for each raid tier of Emblems to work the same, with one Emblem dropped by the latest raids and used to purchase gear equivalent to those raids, plus a second Emblem dropped by dungeons and older raids and used to purchase less powerful items.” (The sentence in question copy and pasted here for it to be easier to find)

You said on repeat that blizzard never said that. It literally is an exact quote. I don’t know how it can’t say exactly what it says, but ok. I don’t quote blizzard or other sources without fact checking.

This is you in the other forum saying that I was saying this and blizzard never said it. I can find the other quotes of you saying they never said, what I directly quoted if you like.

Again, just because you disagree, doesn’t mean blizzard didn’t say something.

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Vezax wasn’t changed to spawn the animus with 6 vapors until 3.2.

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Where is the only 2 currencies that you kept spouting off? Oh right you admitted they didnt say that. Good day.

The post talks about only using 2 currencies. I’m still really confused on how you reading what I linked and still not getting it. So we are using only two currencies, why not remove the old is my question.

And they arent only using 2 currencies now are they? In fact that is a useless post because nothing in it actually happened and it wasnt going to happen and you fell for it. They said gaining Tier would be the same each phase… is it?

stop day dreaming
i dunno if you’re troll or kid or just dumb

i already explained up twice why ulduar is easier than original if you couldn’t comprehend the facts i said, please consider quitting wow and go focus on your education maybe you’ll get your brain to work.

Algalon was buffed by 30%. Yes, Ulduar in WotLKC was harder than the original.


some OP specs existed for classic ulduar that could never exist in original for example “assa rogues” in original ulduar patch the old talent wasn’t this buffed also Envenom did consume the deadly poison removing the 5x stack on use and more i can tell about various things/classes if we will talk about detailed information between patch 3.1 and last patch which classic got released with.

-considering all huge dps gain to certain classes due the very last revamp patch & the dps gain by upgraded items(buffed in item level) that’s almost doubling your over all raid dps and old date could show that.
-So the Equivalent for this is 25player in original vs alga without 30% additional hp
-43player vs buffed alga with 30% Hp
not even close…classic ulduar is much easier by very huge margin but some how the young people playing wow atm can’t even understand basic facts.

It’s crazy how wrong you are. You don’t even acknowledge the many nerfs that some specs/classes received after Ulduar, which we had to deal with in WoTLK Classic.

To give one example: [Illumination]: This talent now returns 30% of the mana cost of the spell instead of 60%.

Armor pen got super nerfed after ulduar. ridiculous levels. went from a cap of like 1k to 1400, and it went from being able to send them to negative armor to a hard cape.

what a clown i’m now sure you never played original wrath or you was kid and failed hard back then, you don’t even know that they insanely buffed the mp5 gain and lowered the cost for those spells so even after they changed illumination paladins got a better manage management… way way superior than ever before.

if you don’t know what you’re talking about then get lost.