Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

Male characters get male titles, female characters get female titles. There is no other genders and whatever gender you are born with thats what you are. Mental health is at a all time low.

Honestly, considering they allowed gender swapping to be available via the barber shop, the titles and things should be available regardless.

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And why can’t it be just everyone gets whatever title they want? What harm does that do to you?

As a woman happily married for over a decade to a great man… grow up.

A man named Cat Lady doesn’t make sense. What is wrong with pointing out of mental health is at a all time low currently in the world?

At an* all time low

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is it really that important, one of the things that i like about video games is to be able to escape for a few hours from the real world, i have to end up closing chats in wow because its filled with boring discussions about politics, irl stuff, same with forums

keep your agenda to yourself, idc about how you identify yourself, its not my business, its yours and yours only, but you are not the only ones that matter in this world

Gender restrictions for titles count as IRL stuff as far as I’m concerned, I’m trying to escape from that

That’s me using your own logic to fit my own needs. Cool, right? :melting_face:


i’d give you a straw hat if i had one

The game already has those…

Yes and I have them, but I cannot wear both my straw hat and my tin foil hat, so now my tin foil hat is in the shape of a straw hat.

Get on my level :sunglasses:

Because males arent “gals”.

/gal/ - a young girl or woman
/woman/- an adult female

I didn’t know this was a thread asking for income tax.

Kinda thought it was just about asking for titles to have less restrictions.

Sure it does. Because Crazy Cat Lady is a known term. Crazy Cat Man just sounds stupid.

Because this isn’t a mental health issue. You’re coming up with bad faith arguments.

Someone’s choice of title has zero to do with agendas or politics. I’m a woman happily married to a great man. I want titles that I like on my characters because I like them. That’s it. That’s all.

It doesn’t affect you.

Sorry, that has nothing to do with the thread and trying to conflate mental health issues with this thread is not constructive.

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And I am trying to escape from people who cant see that people’s pronouns are their business. Seems we are at an impasse.

Also, our characters can change genders now at will. Might as well include titles.

You should speak considering how famous you are for your well known topics of trolling. Male characters get male titles, female characters get female titles. How you think you feel in the real world does not equate to Azeroth.

This topic should get revisited now that we are no longer male or female, but body 1 and body 2

Computing . . .

Answer found: No.

Next troll, please!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Let me be Lord Feyrre, please and thank you.

Lord of what though? Blood Elves?! Gnomes? Chickens?

I want to be Lord of all the Gnomes.

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