Please stop with the changes

Players asked for classic to play the game as it was, you removed LFD which was an obvious mistake and now I’m hearing rumors of “balancing” racials… please just stop. We don’t want to play your new idea of what you think WOTLK should be, we want to play WOTLK as it was.

Your own post says you’re looking for a way to make up for no LFD, so you took something that wasn’t a problem, created a problem by removing it, and the thing you’re removing would fix the problem you created if you just didn’t remove it… are you good Blizzard?

Fix the bugs, and then get out of the way.


I will never understand why people think racials matter so much.


Listening to no changers the the biggest mistake blizzard made with the game from the start.

It’s amazing to see them come back for wrath and start asking for no changes again. Why do you think there are so many dead realms right now? It’s not because the player base is thriving. It’s because of high amounts of turn over and attrition with lack of new players coming in.

If blizzard listens to the no changers this game wouldn’t be profitable at all.

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Every Man for Himself & Will of the Forsaken say hello.

But yeah, otherwise, I agree. Racials are minor in the grand scheme of things, especially in PVE. They matter a little more in PVP.

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You’re disagreeing with yourself. LFD was not in WotLK at launch. It was added towards the end of the xpac.


Whether you’re willing to admit it or not the fact is RDF was a major part and addition during the Wotlk expac. People remember it as a huge and very positive addition to the game. Having it in the game from the start will bring in so many new players that classic desperately needs. They’re already consolidating 22 servers after the announcement of wrath. The game is not sustainable right now.


Because bad players ALWAYS need a scapegoat.


It is not the “no changers” that harmed Classic, it was the shifted culture of society pertaining to video games–the instant gratification people, the changed interest in genre of video games, the now older demographic of those who initially played, etc.

A good example is Greta Van Fleet. A little initial hype, nothing compared to that of Led Zeppelin, who died down fairly quickly. Introducing a band like The Beatles today would have a radically different outcome. Times change, demand changes, and you can’t really catch lightning twice.


So they better release it around ICC or me and mine will be part of that “attrition” everyone is talking about. I find it disgusting how everyone was on the “#nochanges” train when it came to, say, making hybrids not utter trash in vanilla. But change a good feature like LFD and suddenly everyone does a 180. All it’ll do is make me play less, if I even decide to cap anything at all. And I’m sure I can’t be the only one.


CRLFD is garbage. It’s a cross realm fix. If the problem is the server(s) just merge them.


It was cross realm when implemented in patch 3.3.0 in OG Wrath. It was never not cross realm (was by battlegroup which obviously is cross realm).

People have been asking for connected realms to help the population/distribution issues for a very long time and it hasn’t happened. Yet. Would be interesting to see if that helps at all. The dungeon finder is a better solution as it allows for more player agency to elect to use it or not.

When it comes to the Dungeon Finder, I agree with Powerwordnut. I started playing WoW at the beginning of TBC (PvE) and have always tended towards solo play. I have never had much luck with LFG to do dungeons, as I mainly play DPS. I always wanted to do dungeons; when WotLK brought in the Dungeon Finder, I was happy and excited. From that point on, I began doing dungeons all the time and was having so much fun. I kept playing up to Warlords of Draenor, but the game wasn’t the same for me from Cataclysm onwards.

Once Classic came along, I got back into the game. However, I am missing my good old Dungeon Finder. I loved WotLK and was looking forward to it and the eventual introduction of the Dungeon Finder. By not having it included with WotLK, Blizzard is letting us down. (No, it doesn’t have to be right away, although that would be great.)

If you don’t like the Dungeon Finder, then don’t use it! It’s as simple as that. Please don’t spoil it for those of us who do.


Because one increases damage they other does literally nothing. Duh.

It allows for abuse and anti-social behavior. It’s not what a traditional MMORPG does. It’s a lobby creator which allows players to sit in the capital cities waiting for a queue in order to hit max level. If people want to play a lobby based game they could always play Vindictus which is exactly what CRLFD turns the game into.


@Kleist Are you trying to say that all the people in the LFG channel, trying to find a dungeon group, are running around questing or grinding professions, etc., while they wait? What about all those people in the Trade channel looking for a group? They have to be sitting in the capital cities until they find a group, and they far outnumber those in the LFG channel. (Let’s face it, hardly anyone uses LFG instead of Trade.) You talk about the DF being a lobby creator, but that is exactly what happens anyway, without it. You get loads of people just sitting, repeatedly posting to Trade (and a few in LFG,) trying to find themselves a group. How is that better? I can’t speak for anyone else, but whenever I was in the DF queue I would be questing, etc., while I waited. Why would you assume nobody else did?

You speak of “abuse and anti-social behaviour.” Is that your personal experience? In all of the dungeon runs I have done over the years using the DF (and there have been tons,) I only witnessed abuse (or anti-social behaviour) once, and we kicked him out of the group for it.


You and those like you are what the know it alls fail to account for. You liked lfd, but quit because of other things.

This whole thread is a waste of time. Blizz has the data. They know the lfd tool was a success. I cant figure out why exactly they are making a change that they know will be unpopular? I can only conclude that they are very dumb or they are doing it to intentionally hurt classic population. I cant believe they are that dumb but also dont see the reason why they want to shrink the classic player count. So i am hoping someone, someday, is able to explain it.


Agree. I rarely ran into a bad apple with lfd tool. The ppl that left group in the middle of a run was much more frequent though. But we would jist reque and they would be quickly replaced. So it was never even an issue. Every negative of lfd is outweighed by the positives it created.


Not everyone is obsessed with hitting max level. Personally, All the dungeons I ran I did for fun. I didn’t care about gaining experience from it. I took each run seriously and did my best for the group, but I still had fun doing it or else what was the point? It was a bonus if I managed to get some good gear and advance to higher dungeons. I know I’m not the only person who felt that way.

The people in LFG are at least socializing to acquire a group. Clicking a button that auto fills a group and teleports you to a dungeon skips all of the socialization.

The problem remains that a player can actively never leave the capital city and attain max level and with never having to socialize with someone. It’s an Anti-Social feature that was a bandaid to a broken leg(dead servers).