Please stop with the changes

In what world is running a dungeon not leaving the capital city?
You’re smoking your own stash buddy.

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You’re being teleported to and from the dungeon. The dungeon is just a lobby and once you leave you end up where you started before entering. Hence why I said people could just max their level sitting in a capital city and never having to explore/travel anywhere.

So I am leaving the city, got it.

You’re making a ridiculous stance that insinuates that me hitting the flight path or getting summoned by a summoning stone is dramatically different for the game.

People are either going to level inside dungeons or they wont. LFD doesn’t determine that.

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You must be a very social person, and I’m happy for you. However, sitting in a capital city constantly spamming Trade looking for a group, does not automatically mean one is “socialising.” If I keep posting the same LFG message over and over again, without saying anything else, would that mean I am socialising? Of course not, but I see this behaviour all the time. Not wanting to have to waste time sitting in a capital city spamming “LFG” doesn’t make a person anti-social. I would rather be out “exploring” and “travelling” while I wait. Isn’t that what you want us to do??

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Well said.

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You’re in an instance formed by a feature and once you leave said instance/group you end up back where you started. You never have to leave the city in order to max your level.

It is quite different. Having to travel from IF to Scarlet Monastery is a huge experience for the player and everyone knows about the SM runs. Having to travel to a location and seeing other players in the world is a huge difference compared to jumping in Dalaran waiting for a queue to pop.

That’s irrelevant. What I have been posting this entire time is that CRLFD is an Anti-Social feature that is not suited for the traditional MMO experience. It was a feature designed to remedy the problems around low/dead servers. People shouldn’t be experiencing this problem if server merges are done.

It does mean someone is socializing even if you find it limited. Clicking a button, entering dungeon, and never having to type a word isn’t socializing. Go play a single player game or a lobby MMO if you wish to play with a feature such as CRLFD.

You don’t have to spam Trade because other channels exist that are offered by Blizzard which is the LookingForGroup channel. So you can go out and explore while leaving your desired dungeon group finding to the LFG channel rather than trade chat.


The population is how it is in TBC because of two reasons:

No Dual Spec

Imagine wanting to gear an alt right now if you don’t have a group to play with… you’d be forced to buy gold and run GDKPs… because apparently someone queueing for a dungeon for entry level raid gear is gAmE bReAkInG…

Blizzard and this community are so clueless… remove LFD in WOLTK and force us to look through global/LFG chans through recruitment spam, arguing, trolling, and whatever else and watch WOTLK population do the same thing its doing now.


This an illusion. There are plenty of players in Dalaran to rp with buddy. You don’t need to see me for 7 seconds running by you to have the social experience. Lfd isn’t going to eliminate player interaction, its going to streamline it.

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How is copy/pasting a message over and over again and not saying anything else “socialising?” The person isn’t conversing with anyone, they are basically just “clicking a button.”

Why are you so convinced that people in the DF queue don’t “go out and explore while leaving” their “desired dungeon group finding” to the DF? Also, you have no way of knowing whether or not a person in a DF queue is playing with friends while they wait, chatting with friends while they wait, etc. In other words, not that it should matter, you have no idea if someone in the queue is socialising or not.

Do you even actually pay attention to what other people are saying? Or do you just skim, and if anything disagrees with your expert opinion, you post.

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This isn’t about RP. It’s about creating a MMORPG in the traditional format. If you cannot accept that I’d suggest for you to play retail.

  1. You’re reaching out to people
  2. People are seeing you broadcast
  3. Interactions are made for travel/summons
  4. Relationships can be formed as all the players in your group are from your server
  5. Post dungeon the group can redo the dungeon or do something else together outside of the dungeon
  6. Services can be offered if someone could perform an enchant/etc while you’re looking/traveling/doing the dungeon.

I doubt any player in CRLFD goes out to explore Stockades as Horde or RFC as Alliance at the level range it takes the player. Nor would a player ever travel to SM/SFK if they’re Alliance as the journey is long and the same could be said for BRD.

I do read every post. Do you comprehend what a traditional MMORPG experience is?

Surely you jest regarding anti-social behavior. This game is the least bit social, any form of socializing in this game has been well and truly dead since the beginning of TBC launch. Outside of an “inv” there’s basically no “social interaction” that you’re idealising.

Have you been living under a brick? Traditional MMORPGs are a dead genre and the majority of gamers just don’t enjoy the tradition MMORPG experience. It’s clear with how unsuccessful almost every MMORPG that comes out is - most die after the hype.

That’s from your own experience. It doesn’t dictate the fact that Classic was intended to bring back the Traditional MMORPG genre using an older version.

If they’re a dead genre why exactly are there still communities on these dead Traditional MMORPG titles? Maybe the problem day1 on TBC launch were the retail players who were accustomed to Modern MMOs and simply couldn’t adapt. Instead of playing by what was a Traditional MMORPG they decided to give us a litany of alterations. They went as far as to promote cashshop boosts because they’re tourists who couldn’t make it in Vanilla but, now want a shot in TBC.

You’re not the arbiter of mmorpg’s ya goof. Blizzard removed lfd because they don’t understand the player base whatsoever. They make panic decisions and then roll them back constantly. We’ll see how long this one lasts. I’m going to play the game regardless because I like this game. I play the many classic iterations through to the end game and enjoy it. Your character on the other hand looks like a boost.


I’m not the arbiter and never said I was. Traditional MMORPGs and WoW itself have were played in a certain manner that didn’t contain CR features. Classic WoW didn’t have CRLFD up until the last tier of Wrath and even than it didn’t solve the problem with dead/low population servers. Eventually we had LFR and CRZ introduced to the game to fix problems related to bad servers.

Stop trying to introduce a feature intended to fix dead/low pop servers and instead fix the problems with the servers.

They’ve announced they are shutting down a bunch of servers and giving free transfers off the servers that are being closed.

It’s happening.

I’m against LFD mostly because I think it’s lazy gameplay overall and it hurts the community at the end of the day.

HOWEVER, if they are limiting the number of servers and (hopefully) not implementing RDF with any sort of Cross Realm feature, I’ll start supporting it.

So far, no word on the second part of that.

This is such a lazy argument. Please stop using it.

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I’m not fighting for cross realm, i think lfd localized works great. I’m also not fighting for blizzard to do less to help it’s subscribers. The feature is helpful and inspires more dungeon grouping. For those reasons, i want it.

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It doesn’t inspire people to do it. It just makes the player lazy as they never have to move in order to go into a dungeon. Not only that it’s Anti-social by the very nature of autogrouping. It’s a lobby mechanic and that isn’t something a Traditional MMORPG experience should have in it. If this was Call of Duty or Left4Dead I could see a lobby being used but, why would you want a lobby mechanic in an open world RPG?

If you’re against gameplay, you’re against people who disagree with you enjoying the game, continuing to play, perhaps buying your auctions or even grouping with you. Removing LFD will not change how I play, I’ll just go back to ignoring instances as content, essentially play around them if you will, either until it’s implemented or until I’m bored, which will certainly happen earlier if you take away my very real and very nostalgic to me endgame. Not to mention my leveling game of choice.

Every time I hear “no LFD” what I really hear is "no players who don’t conform to my narrow standards. No one’s joining a guild over this and blossoming into a social butterfly much less a better player. Half the reason I enjoy queues is I’m not that good and if the people who take me know who I am, like in a guild, I can quickly get the cold shoulder. It’s 2022, and no one carries except for gold. Heck no one did it in 07 which is why I was, so I thought, permanently unsubbed until 08. LFD brought me back, seemed like a great common sense fix. Maybe it isn’t perfect, but Hours of Twilight in Cata were as close to perfect gameplay as I’ve ever seen before or since. Different strokes for different folks. People will play less over this, and some won’t play at all. I guess that’s fine though if you only want people like yourself in the game at all. Gatekeeper.


The funniest part of all of this is that NOT implementing the dungeon finder actually promotes more alienation of players. They have to pass thru the wall of another player in order to join a dungeon group where they can pick from a pool of classes they would rather bring, rather than just making it random.

The arguments you guys are having with it being an anti-social mechanism are delusional.

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Its literally only for 5 man dungeons. I don’t know about you, but I dont talk to any of the people in my dungeon groups because its usually not necessary. Am I anti-social? No. I just have 1 reason for being there, and its not to be social. You can keep running on about this social nature of traditional MMORPG’s but obviously things have changed a lot from the traditional days. I think this is a horrible idea to not include this tool into the game, especially for players who aren’t good at the game.