Please stop the gimmicks and focus on the Retail WoW game

Look my man.

I am not saying you cant feel that way about flying, for example. But a person starting WoW today. You know. A new player.

Isn’t going to say “WoW is too bloated for me, primarily because of how they handled flying 11 years ago”

The WoD flying issue is an old player issue. Not a new player issue.

Unlocking flying today is accountwide and takes little effort. A new player would not be deterred if that is the only system they have known. And it definitely doesnt make the game bloated.


I think you’ve lost it :rofl:.

They’re all Warcraft



it is how MS and other companies make money. They release these mini patches often with a paywall and the customers follow.

It would be easy to make it stop, by just not giving them money, but look at Diablo 4 and OW2 or the Call of Duty games … You can in theory spend hundreds of $$$ each month for this stuff.

I would not be suprised if we see a seasons pass very soon at WOW and it will have a premium tier that you must buy to unlock.

Exactly. But these might at least get there foot in the door

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But don’t you know the UI doesn’t function? Players have had to specifically download ElvUI to put more flashing pictures on their screen to keep attention, base UI stands no chance against SubwaySurfer added into videos now.

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I never said it was the one thing that made this a bloated mess.

For you- NOT a new player. I have had a friend come and try wow quit because unlocking flying was way way to long/much even with me helping. Others say screw it after needing mods that they don’t understand how to set up and don’t know why they need…
It’s just so much simpler just to play a game that you can have fun with form entry with out all the barriers.

Really IDK if you just want to argue or white knight. To me-Its the directions that Blizzard started down about 10 years ago along with dumb ideas like the war that snowballed into this hot mess.

I am not going to sit here and list all the things that made the game bloated one by one.

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Maybe but will someone pay for the game just for a limited time event? Are trial accounts let in?

on the contrary, something that is breaking the almost 20 year mould is a very nice change of pace

it’s also serving as an excellent means to bring new players in to try the game

status quo is fine and all but you can’t just do that forever and expect things to stay peachy


Yes trial account will be allowed like normal up to 20

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No one needs mods to play this game wtf :dracthyr_lulmao: It’s completely optional and can make the experience a bit easier, but it’s far from necessary.

I’ve played this game for YEARS and the only addon I used was so I could leave pet battles without my pets taking damage.

The problem is convincing new players that they need things they don’t need which can be overwhelming to them.



Question is now will the fun start at lvl 20 or max…

If your wanting to do end game content (m20’s or even normal raiding) you have to have the bare minimum of dbm and probably at least a raid frame addon. Move into heroic and it grows substantially. Saying you don’t need addons to play is like…getting a burger but only eating the buns


I’m sorry, are you going to kick someone from a raid because they didn’t install an optional add on? That’s called elitism.

Again, you don’t HAVE to have them and if you’re refusing to let people join you unless they do what you want, that’s just sad.


I mean if they can do mechanics and good dpa enough to do the content no. But if you wiping the raid every fight because you don’t have dbm and are standing in stuff or doing the wrong thing sure.

I’m not required to let “bad” players into my group

And yes you objectively at a disadvantage without addons

Don’t blame me blame blizzard for making the raids overly complicated without dbm yelling at you

I’m tired of being pressured to do limited time crap.


tired of pressuring yourself to get your 50,000th piece of random digital junk*

it’s just artificial fomo


No, the game is the instigator of pressure.

its easy to fall into the marketing trap, but it really is all just worthless crap at the end of the day

if you’re exhausted from limited game modes, don’t play it. I promise you 99% of the stuff you obtain from this will likely be used by you once and then never again


Me too! To be honest, I was going to unsubscribe in a few days and now I won’t…

I like collecting, and there’s no denying that the game pressures people. I might do this event, then miss out on some of the many mounts, then have to deal with players saying “Lol should’ve done it while it was current” till the game shuts down.