Please stop ruining my games

I was 1 win away from getting my 1600 free piece of gear, but I just keep getting sandbagged. Don’t worry, I let them all know it. Playing tanks in BGBlitz. 2 feral on 1 team while the other team has rogues that cap on them and slow down FC’s. Other healer does 1/2 of mine and 50% less than their healers(Cause I always do the most even if FC’ing)

How have you guys dealt with these ruiners while your trying to get your free gear

Was it free? It seems you have yet to earn it.

My blood DK almost has gear to get in, can’t wait.

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The fact you play a tank spec and are also too scared to post on your real character tells me you’re the exact player I’m having to try to escape from atm

Hope to see you in game then :smiley:

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You probably won’t in the 1200 bracket playing blood DK

usually i get my account banned for toxicity but im trying to be a better person. the trick is to not rage but get them to whisper you bad words. lol good times.

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Gotta be careful with the toxic. Get suspended enough for dumb chat and they perma close the account for good. From today, another example:

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Interesting I main Prot in PvP always have but you won’t have to get away from me though cause I’m at 2400 MMR.

Your issue isn’t Tanks.

Look to yourself and how you can improve either your own gameplay or your communication of strategy to your team, rather than raging at everyone around you. More productive. But considering…

…I’m sure you’re creating an environment conducive to your team’s success, and are definitely not toxically sabotaging it, regardless of what the scoreboard allegedly says (and I think we all know that’s not always indicative of a BG’s full story).

The fact that you’re this bent out of shape over getting 1600, while attempting to put others’ hypothetical ratings down, says a lot.


They just got out of placement games and complaining when they don’t even know how the MMR or Rating works. Only played 25 games and is upset lol. When the fact is your MMR doens’t change till after 25 games.

This thread could of been avoided if the OP actually knew how Blitz worked. It’s no ones fault but theirs. Then on top of it being toxic in games sabotaging themselves. People are so impatient.

Yes, there are some folks who need to understand this better.

I think Blizz is hitting harder on these now and moving forward, Forumtoon. Just my gut, but figured a heads up for the pvp folks is a good thing.


Know how I can make one of the enemy healers do half the healing as the other healer on their team?
I spend the entire match loading as much CC on them as I can, and then I stop them from moving to the other team fights.

But I don’t usually do that because I have other things I can do to help my team win. I’m just saying if the other healer is only doing half your healing, it might be because someone or some people are prioritizing shutting them down over you.
Then ask yourself why the other team thinks the other healer is a greater threat than you.

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Very true anytime someone is toxic towards Tanks in PvP, tells them to stop playing etc. I just smash that report button. There is no need for that.


I’d much rather have folks playing but there’s been a far too permissive attitude in PvP circles about toxicity,

No one ‘accidentally’ says horrible things in chat.

I say horrible things while I play, I admit it.

I say them to myself, with my mouth.

I don’t take the time to stop playing and insult someone because I don’t like how they are playing.

Honestly you can tell everyone about everything you need to tell them with the ping macros mostly.


I was 9-3 when I stopped Duo-queuing and now I’m 10-5. Lesson learned

BTW how unfair is it you can duo queue into a solo game mode? Anyone queueing alone is at a huge disadvantage

I’ve heard they try and put duo quers against other people duo queing.

i feel attacked