Please Stop Forcing PvPer's to PvE

Are PVPers ever satisfied with anything?


Not in the last 10 years .


Pvpers want to conquer the world ,the whole of the world.

I support PvPers not having to PvE for gear. As a PvPer that has farmed M+ to get gear. I dont find it fun. If others do, great they can do them. I dont want to do them.

Since we currently have to do them, I have no sympathy for PvErs that have to PvE for BiS azerite traits, Conflict, and Blood of the enemy. I have no sympathy for PvErs having to do content they dont want to. Welcome to a PvPers life since Legion.


Pvpers want to be part of a world . Not an outcast .


Actually resilience stat took away from other stats most noticeable in this was hit rating. In tbc the highest ranked was 2 feral druids in tank gear with dodge cap and nobody could hit them and they won with 20 minute plus matches just bleeding the enemy to death slowly

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Don’t they want kill lowbies and alike, invades opposing factions ,do raids ,do dungeons ,battle grounds ? Tell me they just want part of the world?

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Blizzard could have fixed resilience , but they didn’t have to take way from pvpers .

I am the flip side of this coin. The removal of an additional grind to be competitive in PvP made the entry too high for me. With the current system I just need one grind to be able to participate in both. For me, this is nice.

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Some classes are forced to PVP for their bis essences, which frequently brings PVE players into PVP. In fact, I myself had to level up one of my essences via PVP, and I’m really not a fan. Blizzard needs to let the two communities be separate and balance accordingly.


How does having a grind to get pvp gear make the entry too high? Is it because of not enough time to do it?

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Blizzard wants pvers to participate in both pve and pvp . What is not fair towards pvpers it is not the same the other way around .


because we dont PvP but it is one of the stronger essences for PvE

It is not fair to the pvper who has dedicated countless hours into his/her passion of pvping in Warcraft, just to be stomped by someone who has put next to no time into the pvp community, scale the gear in combat like it was in WoD.


Time is a major factor yes. PvE takes a lot of time to do when you break it down, from dailies to visions to actual raiding, it adds up. I play almost every night but can only do so for a few hours a night, and during progression 3 of those nights would be locked to raiding.

There’s also the fun factor. Not sure about everyone else but for me PvPing without gear is the equivalent of getting a colonoscopy. I remember having to do the grind in WotLK starting out with blue crafted gear and it was painful. I know scaling makes it a lot better now but I honestly don’t know how the guys who enter BGs with sub 100k HP do it.

While I get where you are coming from, this essentially reverses the situation. Because pve gear specifically now is pretty much needed. So if you wanted to climb the ladder you have to do pve stuff such as raiding or m+ to get gear that is needed. A lot of classes need trinkets from m+ or nyalotha.

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I’m not debating that. I’m just saying in my specific situation, this is great. And I would imagine for many others with time constraints it would be the same.

Keeping pvp and pve intertwind, keeps participation up! At least, that is my assumption as to why they intermix the progression of pve/pvp. Makes no sense, but what do I know, I’m not a dev!

You will pve and you will like it :rage:


I doubt it, more of cutting corners to save costs imo, why make two types of gear if you can get away with lumping everything into one.