Please save the AQ40 event

Already all of the raiding guilds on the servers have plans to have the mats collected for AQ before that phase is even released. Their plan is to turn in the mats as soon as AQ phase happens, so they can start raiding.

This ruins the event completely. No city invasions. No roving hordes of silithid and aqir. It sucks the fun out of it. What’s even the point of Classic if the “elite” raider guilds aren’t going to let their server experience the event?

I am normally against time gates. But please time gate Ahn’Qiraji.


There aren’t very many ways to save the event. People will always stockpile required items in order to finish the event asap.

If Blizzard decides to increase the required items by a fixed rate, it may be unfair to less densely populated servers. Requiring more effort from less people.

If Blizzard tunes the required items based on server population, then the opposite happens. Metropolis servers suffer.

The best thing they can do is increase the time it takes for the supplies to arrive at AQ. In vanilla it took 5 days for supplies to arrive after completion and then players were able to ring the gong to open AQ.

Either way, there aren’t many work-arounds that Blizzard can take.


I could be wrong but from what I recall the gate opening quests took some time to complete. I would not expect those quests to be available until the AQ patch is released.


So you are saying the super amazing classic community itself will selfishly destroy the AQ40 event?


Yes. Hardcore raiders have always been like this.


Can’t they make a second version of the mats that doesn’t get dropped until the event begins?

You wouldn’t be able to use stockpiled mats.


or change what “items” needed to turn in…


Pretty sure they can change the item ID of the drops so that when the time comes any that were stockpiled ahead of time won’t be viable for turn-in


Blizzard can still put all those things on timers, regardless of players cheesing the turn in.

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I like the suggestion someone made. Instead of Peacebloom to turn in, make it something like “Peacebloom Pollen” that only drops when the event starts.

I know the #NoChanges crowd is going to come onto me like a swarm of ravenous locusts for suggesting that but I think that’d be the best way to go to keep in the spirit of that event.


They could just remove the items from the table.

That seems like a reasonable work-around. Regardless of how it currently would work. Any mats that are available prior to the AQ event will be farmed to extremes. Especially if Blizzard refuses to disclose which mats will be required for the event.
Then any mats not used for the event will simply be vendored or posted to AH.

The hardcore raiders are the indirect reason i dont really like retail. They put in insane time and effort to push content to its lomit and blizz responds by escalating the scenario for them. The rest if the community is left to deal with that then. I hope it doesnt, but im sure it will affect classic.


any elite raider guild who wants to complete the aq event asap is cashual as it gets

I wouldn’t be opposed to having a new dropped item to have to farm and turn in patched in for the event. It’s the type of change that would seem to better represent the competitive nature of the event.

I may be mistaken, but I don’t remember people knowing what to stockpile for the AQ event. If you want a Vanilla experience, it may be in the best interest to surprise the community with an unexpected material to fight over.


If its announced when the AQ patch comes out before it does, then won’t people know when to go to Silithus? So, if a guild is stockpiling and prepared to start it as soon as the patch hits, then won’t people know to go there to participate because the patch went live?

Is the complaint here that people feel like they won’t be able to participate? Go to Silithus when the patch is live for phase 6 and you can participate.

Am I missing something?

It’s not the super amazing classic community, it’s all the hardcore guilds that only care about themselves.

In OG vanilla the “best” guild on my server actually got mad at the server because nobody was doing the event specifically to spite them(they were notorious trolls in trade chat, asshats in dungeons, and generally unpleasant people). There was a huge post on the realm forums where they cried that the rest of the server was sabotaging them by not participating in the event.


You really can’t since there were so many basic items of all different levels so that all players could participate.

He’s saying that the hardcore guilds already have all the required item numbers and are planning to stockpile them from Phase 1 so that they can have AQ open a week after the phase starts, because screw having fun let’s rush through the game as fast as possible.

You know, even though they’re not getting any world firsts because it was all done in 2005/2006.


yea as someone alrealy mentioned, they can just add duplicates, but theduplicates only start to drop when event starts… example

peaceblom -> peaceblom pollen

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