Please save the AQ40 event

I understood people were upset its going to be rushed by stockpiling of top guilds, I’m just confused why people can’t participate (is that what they are mad about?) and are upset even if its rushed. I didn’t participate in the AQ opening back in vanilla, so I honestly don’t know what I’m missing here other than it being rushed?

I have mixed feelings about the AQ event. On the one hand, I appreciate the nochanges approach made. On the other hand, I want new players and casual players to be able to participate in the event as well.

I lean toward preserving the experience rather than the raw data on this one, personally. I know shuffling the mats for the war effort or assigning event-specific items that only drop during the event wouldn’t slow us down all that much, but I think it’s worth discussing if it’ll allow more people to participate before the entire stockpile is turned in by a few guild bank alts.

I actually don’t normally mind the people who push content to its limits and challenge themselves to consume it ASAP. If that’s fun for them, that’s fine. However in the case of the AQ event, especially in a museum piece I want newcomers to be able to experience reasonably authentically, this blatantly interferes with that experience and limits the involvement for a number of players.

This is especially the case when we have no indication that players will ever be able to experience the war effort and AQ opening again. We don’t know if any new servers will ever be released that start the phases over again or if we’ll be on phase 6 for literally ever until Classic is shut down years from now.

I think it’s more important, therefore, to maintain the experience rather than the raw data on this one.


Hurts us because we won’t get the opportunity to collect signets and boxes of green gear.

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This is literally impossible. The gates cannot be opened until the gong is rung, and that comes at the end of the scepter quest chain. That alone takes weeks of farming even by organized guilds.


No. No changes.

If the raiding guilds do as you suggest, and they may, I won’t be particularly surprised. It just means the GoGo raiders will burn through content faster and will consequently leave Classic sooner. Good riddance.

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I’d hate to be that guy that’s told “You do the linen bandages”
All 800,000 of them :smiley:

Except this hurts the non-raiders who want to participate in the event and get those rewards far more. What you describe is the raiders coming in, devouring everything, and leaving the non-raiders bereft of an experience.


Yes. I got more out of the war effort when it came to that whole AQ event. I had several alts and worked on getting signets/boxes.
I was nowhere near a raider so all that scepter stuff was way out of my reach.

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Worth it to me, if they leave. It was pressure from raiders that ruined WoW over the years.

Have you actually seen the list of required mats?

A guild wouldn’t even have the bagspace for ONE of the many mats needed.

800,000 linen bandages for example.

That’s only ONE mat on a LONG list of mats

I mean, that’s an authentic Vanilla experience.

The vast majority of the progression guilds on every server I played on bak in Vanilla treated the rest of the community like garbage and had no qualms about cheating to get ranks in PVP or ruining events put on by other guilds.

See: Serenity Now ganking that funeral in Winterspring, while it was silly of the organisers to do it in a PVP zone, it was the person’s favourite zone in the game before they died. Serenity Now did decide to be giant dicks and raid the funeral showing not only disrespect for the people mourning for their friend, but also for the dead person.

TL;DR Progression guilds are full of elitist pricks


Stacksize is only 20 and biggest bag is 16 slots.

ideas that have been given:

“peacebloom pollen”: Would work but, you don’t want that. You’ll end up with a bunch of items that have 0 value outside of the turn ins just there. it involves a more dramatic change to the game and inconveniences people who are uninterested in participating since now they have to deal with these extra items they don’t want during normal game play.

“change the items needed”: to what? you can’t change them all, at best you could change the herbs but it’s way to cumbersome to just ‘change them all’.

“use a different item ID”: This is the best solution. It wouldn’t be difficult to make both item ID’s for Linen cloth work for all crafting recipes, etc, while making only one of the item ID’s work for the quest turn ins. You can also easily add a single line to each turn in NPC’s dialogue to clear it up “Remember, it needs to be FRESH!” Problem solved.

The only negative to making ‘any’ of these changes is the fact that one of the original intents of the turn ins was to act as a sink in the economy to refresh it a bit as it had stagnated and there were issues that were partially resolved by adding a different value to so many different materials all of a sudden. Depending on deployment of the phases, this may be a non-point.

My vote is item ID’s and don’t tell anyone you’re doing it :stuck_out_tongue:


I think a more authentic Vanilla experience would be a slower AQ war effort event. Whether it’s done with different items or time gating, I think it’d be better.

I agree with the rest of your post though. Raid guilds tended to look down on the community and didn’t care who they ran over to get to the top.


But Eagle…this time they really can’t demand changes.
It is what it is and it has an end.

They came, they pillaged, they left.

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I’d be fine with that one. It’s more realistic too. I mean, who wants to eat 2 year old fish that’s been left in a bank? xD


Not raid guilds as a whole, just progression guilds.
Most people in general are pretty nice, but progression guilds are full of people who are generally pretty good at the game so they think they’re better than us “filthy casuals”. The same thing happens in games like LoL or FPS games where being really good “wins the game”.

It’s just people being poor sports and thinking that because they’re better at clicking buttons than other people that they’re better people on the whole.

In the Q&A they already said they won’t be changing it.


My Idea is to change the event to be like an epic quest chain, once the gate has been opened. Those that opened the gate get credit for completing it and are registered as attuned, and the rest of us get a chance to experience it as a massive quest chain. And as for the invasions and patrols and other factors of the event, have them continue till a certain percent of the server has completed the quest chain.

I’m determined to make it to the top this time around. Found a promising raid guild to do it with. I don’t want to be the gearless guildless scrub I was in original Vanilla. However, I’m going to do my best to not let that sort of mindset I’ve come to hate in other guilds I’ve come in contact with corrupt me.