So ive played healer most my time playing WoW but when Aug came out i finally found a DPS spec i could enjoy. Now Aug has the worst damage in the game (including the damage it buffs people to do) and its big thing is its insane utility. But now its gonna be troll and not only will Aug not be played more then likely but evoker itself wont as they all are in the dumpster rn. which is sad i love my stompy lizards.
please save Aug it doesnt have to be meta but just good to bring.
Sorry, the class was defective (in a VERY good way for people playing the spec) by design, and has been outright mandatory in high level mythic+ play for 3 years despite constant nerfs (the equivalent of a stream of paper cuts). Despite people saying that it could be balanced (I mean, if I were riding the aug gravy train I wouldn’t want it to stop either and would probably say things like this), it clearly can’t. I think we’re finally seeing one of the devs come to that realization.
Thats a whole lot of lies. Aug damage isnt thr issue it already is bad in raid and the reason its meta in high keys is because of its utility. Like you bring aug purly for its survivability and the survivability it provides others. In mdi we didnt even see aug as its faster to use 3 other dps besides aug. And additionaly just because its “mandatory” for high keys that does effect anyone but less then 1% of the player base.
So again blizz needs to save aug not destroy it like how you seem to want it to be.
11.1.5 can’t come soon enough. I hope they announce they are taking Aug out back and putting it down. Make a tank spec out of it like the player base have been wanting. A dragon race/class that cannot tank is a travesty. Let’s correct this mistake once and for all.
Aug “mains” are crying because the gravy train is at its last destination.
i hope 11.1.5 they take all level 10 trolls and spammers out back kick them off the forums forever. Also no aug mains arent crying because the gravy train whatever they are saying hey our damage isnt the issue its our utility try fixing they before just gutting. Now please do us a favor and remove yourself form the forums
Cry harder. Not enough tears to make tea.
You obviously have not been to the Evoker discord. They’re literally telling players to reroll. The dream is dead.
But keep posting more “Please Save Aug” post. Your woes fuel my mornings.
Why am i arguing with someone who obviously has never gotten pass LFR and +2s. youre just another useless troll who’s life is so lackluster you rather pray on the games downfall and peoples unenjoyment then become something of worth
Cope harder.
If having one spec be meta for 4 seasons back to back is “something of worth”—then I definitely do not want to see it.
not a cope. you havent even gotten AOTC since S1 of shaodwlands and not even KSC since s2 of dragonflight. you dont play WoW therefore you are nothing but a worthless troll. next time you gonna try and lie and try to troll at least dont be easily proven wrong.
You are a bad player so your understanding of the game is very very VERY low.
All achievements are linked even if you try and hide behind a level 10 alt you have no high end progression therefore you have no say in anything about class balance or meta from this day forth.
Achievements are not linked. You can confirm this yourself by making a level 10 account and never playing it. I just like the name Aitumi.
Nice try. Trying debunk my sound logic of why Augs are trash by discrediting me. But, hey, if I didn’t have a reason why Augs are not trash, I would do the same thing… if I was bad.
Wrong all feats of strength are linked nice try. you got caught in a lie now do us a favor and shut up as you now hold ZERO value in talking to as you are nothing but a worthless player and a worthless troll.
Ahh, you’re one of those—the “I’m never wrong” types, huh?
The only worthless troll here is you. I literally explained that if you create a character but never log in, the system does not register it, meaning nothing gets linked. Do you have any idea how many people create characters just to delete them? Can you imagine how much storage space Blizzard would need if they saved every single one?
But hey, I’m just “a worthless troll,” right? Funny how at any point you could have just ignored me and moved on, yet you keep responding. Why? Because it keeps your sad little “Please Save Aug” post at the top.
No its that you are just wrong. now good day i dont talk with liers
Best you ignore the clown.
He creates other threads based on a lie, making himself out to be a massive donkey to all. He’s just sad he’s losing the free pass to higher keys.
Loves to go on about how people are trolls and that their lives are boring and sad whenever he’s proven wrong.
says the troll that got called out by 5 people in a row. >>
Proof? Or just more you’re pulling out of nowhere?
I am in no means suggesting Augmentation should be removed, but my issue as a Preservation Evoker was it essentially made me redundant.
So eventually I just switched off the class completely and I do enjoy Preservation Healing a lot just it wasn’t needed as Augmentation was in literally 90% of keys which made PuGing a nightmare.
Honestly it needs to be reigned in a bit removing it’s mandatory need in higher keys/content so the other specs can shine which sort of hasn’t happened since Augmentation was introduced.
Even though I still think Augmentation will still be brought and still have its place I think the other specs now have a fighting chance aswell. Augmentation still has insane Utility.
This isn’t just an Augmentation issue though, sort of happens to all classes that have a insanely dominant spec, but even so, I think one Season isn’t the end of the world if they aren’t “Meta”, I still think players will still bring them though.
The sooner you can cope with the possibility that your spec may not be meta, the sooner you can move on and re-spec if you feel you must be playing a meta spec. It’s not like blizzard didn’t give it the good old college try to balance it, hell they’ve been nerfing it left and right since soon after it went live.
Even trying something new in 11.1 by removing tanks and healers from its buff list just for it to still be dominant.
They created a problem they had no fail-safe for in the future, pretty poor choice.
reading comprehension is one of the most vital needs of this species. I mostly play healer i dont like DPS besides aug and thats when i have or get to dps and i dont main aug. and yes they been trying to but they keep dancing around why its meta and thats the survivability it provides via the verse buff, shield from breath, twin guardiens, etc. its not its damage its its survivability.
Also people are saying it might still be meta in high keys because it still provides those buffs. it just wont be effective outside of high key range.