Please revert feral hotfix/use 2.0 energy [FIXED, ty Blizz!]

There is a druid discord?

Shoo, nobody asked for your negativity.

Druids are posting in a thread about feral druids and it’s freaking meow-t !

Wdym/ could you quote the


Sure. Be dismissive like you don’t know what I just talked about.

They’re not the brightest bunch of fuzzbutts in the world…

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Do not feed

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You can use google the word if you don’t know what is the meaning of what you guys are coordinating outside of the forums to do here.

The only coordination in the druid discord is us sharing the forum post and asking others to bump. Anything being said on here is there own prerogative.

I’m quoting here, because this is actually proof that you guys are brigading.

Thanks a lot.

I don’t think thats rule breaking at all, please prove me wrong.
“No results found for “brigading””

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so raising awareness about the issue and asking others to speak if they feel they are being negatively impacted by this issue = brigading? got it. next time we’ll all just speak into the void and exclusively argue with trolls to bump the topic. #fixthetick #kittybrigade #imdoingmypart


:cat: :hocho:



give us the ticko or u get the sticko


I can assure you I know nothing of this conspiracy that you speak of.

It was just confirmed that you guys are coordinating spamming in a thread from a discord. That is the definition of brigading.

:cat: :hocho:

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:cat: :hocho:

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How it felt to play with the old powershifting: SHIFT! AYYYYY

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We aren’t spamming, thats you pal.

I wasn’t aware sharing threads in discord was, again, rule-breaking in any capacity.

Please prove me wrong.

On the other hand, your post belittle my mental health sure sounds like a breach of the code of conduct to me.