Please revert feral hotfix/use 2.0 energy [FIXED, ty Blizz!]

as a druid main, who is a casual player, this type of change makes it unfun to play as much. Please consider changing as per the OP.


It would be really nice to get some communication on the topic. We’ve gone from Classic energy to a janky powershift where you sit out of form to the current iteration of making kitty dps a complete meme. Would be nice to know what blizz is trying to do with all these changes.


But…some changes though no?? All good till it effects you I suppose…shame.

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Not only were paladins given both faction seals, but they were also given seal-twisting to replicate the behavior of seals all throughout classic.
Please consider #somechanges and reverting the druid energy system to how it worked all throughout Classic WoW. The fact that there are two different energy systems simultaneously in the game right now is not acceptable


Please don’t stick us with this garbage energy change. If seal twisting was added to benefit paladins, then you can do a proper fix for ferals. The spec is going to be absolute garbage in raids as it stands, and there will be people who either can’t raid due to it, or will have to change to another main. This is going to remove the enjoyment for a lot of players without a proper fix.


Hit the nail on the head here. This issue should be treated exactly the same as the Alliance Seal of Blood and seal twisting changes for paladins. If the developers are okay with deviating from 2.4.3 for the sake of making the game more fun to play, I can’t think of any issue that screams “make this more fun for us” louder than the energy tick system for ferals.

There are two very straightforward fixes that can be made without negatively impacting the regen system for other classes:

(1) Simply do not treat shapeshifting as a change in regen rate, which leads to 2.0 ticks for ferals.

(2) If the implementation of regen requires a tick reset upon a shift to work, then give us the partial energy refund that other classes get for mana when the tick is reset.


Just wanted to add my voice that I hope Blizzard can clarify energy for feral druids.

It’s been really frustrating to see multiple energy tick mechanics implemented in such a short period of time on PTR/beta so close to launch without communication.


Why doesn’t Blizzard just increase the rate if energy regen, so that powershifting isn’t a requirement for high end players? I don’t raid, never really have, so the energy regen rate has never bothered me.

The lack of any communication whatsoever from Blizzard while the regen system changes weekly is the worst part of all of this. Everything so far has been stealth changes with no explanation, and the community is learning a new DPS rotation every week.


I have edited the original post several times to clarify and correct my original statement, but the overall message stays the same: Please revert the hotfix or restore vanilla energy mechanics as they were present earlier in the beta.
Thank you for all the support.


Amen to that. Ret pallies got a post for Seal Twisting.


100% agreement from this Feral. Please give Ferals the Pally treatment! (Kept seal twisting mechanics.)


This is a flat 20% nerf to an already underperforming spec.

There’s no way that blizz doesn’t do something to fix this… Even if its how it worked in a later patch (2.2 or w.e), implement the change in that phase when most ferals will be sitting in bear anyways…


Blizz, if you can’t fix that specific bug at least throw some buffs to our cat friends, they’re already an underperforming class that needs to do more for less. If you can give ally paladins new spells, you can buff ferals #somechanges


Come on blizzard, think of the kittens!

I’m interested in what their response will be. I think it’ll either be “We know; we’re working on a fix, but it’s gonna take a minute because it deals with a core mechanic that affects all classes” OR “Powershifting was unintended gameplay, you were playing the game wrong and it’s going to stay the way it is.”

or they just continue to say nothing ex dee

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Blizz wants to kill off all the kittens confirmed


It is unfun. They don’t do it for fun. Make power shifting give you a debuff that causes a dps drop. No one will do it. They do it for better dps, not fun. Its an exploit. Similar to if rogues got more energy by jumping 5 times. Everyone would be jumping even though it’s an exploit


i think its fun. higher dps is a plus, i think boosting energy gains is actually a blast.

/signed if they dont like the fact we are using a low level helm all through the expansion, instead of nerfing powershifting either keep it the same as classic or buff the ever-living crap out of 2pc tier 4

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