Please revert feral hotfix/use 2.0 energy [FIXED, ty Blizz!]

This is an absolute mess. Chugging a level 8 potion 30-40 times in a single fight? Really?

The original classic energy, which ferals had for a significant portion of early TBC, is a simple and clean fix for this nonsense. Is it so much to ask for a clean rotation that does mediocre dps?


It is, and the Devs agreed which is why Wrath nuked everything into oblivion:

Existing and being liked/supported by the Devs are two very different things. That’s why a lot of changes happen between patches and expansions without a single thread of complaint or concern because Blizzard observed behavior they just didn’t like or didn’t think worked well and up and changed it.

See above.

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Fasc, Blizz knew about powershifting before WotLK and CHOSE to keep it in until they reworked it in WotLK and rebalanced it with new abilities/talents. Do you want Powershifting Feral or WotLK Feral to be in TBC? Cause it sounds like you’re trying to pick and choose features from TBC and WotLK together to create some sort of Frankenstein version of feral energy that never existed.
Edit: Idk why the forums arent letting me directly reply to other posts half the time.

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“I heard you liked farming MCPs so now farm some minor trolls blood” - Blizz

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So warlock lifetap should go away since converting one resource to another is counterintuitive?

if you have to pop minor trolls blood potions to be good, its terrible lol

Well, when I watched that wasn’t a thing, so, this change is new to me.

2.0 energy fixes everything. No more feral outrage. No more powerchugging. Energy goes back to how it was for the majority of the beta and everyone is happy.

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Choosing to keep it during the ZA/Sunwell era with Wrath around the corner and it not being a widespread or glaringly problematic issue doesn’t mean they liked it. GC’s own comments are more than sufficient to realize how much they wanted us to not use it.

I’ve done nothing of the sort. I’m saying that all the people clamoring for a change while erring on the side of buffing Feral are going to just get Blizzard to fix the wonky workarounds because Blizzard already has a noted view of disfavoring Powershifting. You’re almost entirely unlikely to see Blizzard say “here, have the Classic version back” given how system-wide the resource changes were, and with the knowledge that Powershifting went the way of the dodo deliberately.

No, that ability literally says “Convert Health to Mana”

Shifting from form to form as a way to generate resources is unintuitive.

I’m not saying they liked it, I’m saying that Blizzard new better than to take away an incredibly powerful tool from druids without giving them something else to make up for it, which is exactly what they did in WotLK.

How is a tier 1 talent unintuitive? Makes perfect sense to me without even having to join a theorycrafting discord…

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Dude save your energy. Fasc just absolutely hates powershifting and thinks that powershifting being less fun in 2.2 is somehow a good thing vs 2.0 energy despite the fact that it’s still mandatory to compete with other ferals.


I really don’t understand your issue with it. I really don’t. This is not a troll request, why do you have an issue with powershifting? Is it just too hard?

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he probably likes 1 apm playstyle

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I’m starting to think Fasc doesn’t hate powershifting, he hates the PLAYERS that do it, so them being miserable is a good thing in his eyes.


The talent is meant to give you spendable resources when shift so there’s no downtime waiting for energy/rage to build. Abusing the talent to convert mana into energy is unintended and I feel powershifting as a whole is unintentional and unintuitive.

Just opinion, though, I understand some people like how it works. I personally do not and I hope it goes away.

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It does in Wrath, when they make druids work better.

It does, in wrath when they actually cared about looking at the mechanic.

That’s all moot here, people enjoy it and it was and is a thing in tbc- it’s not going away even if this doesn’t get reverted so this doesn’t help your cause in any way shape or form.

It does in WotLK we already said that. WotLK is one of the best times to play feral cause they get buffed like crazy with new talents and abilities to make up for no powershifitng.

Blizzard did this sort of thing all the time… I’m saying that because Feral Druids as competitive DPS were a minority within an already minority class, the Dev time vs Game health equation just didn’t warrant a change until bigger system overhauls. It wasn’t a deliberate choice to support Powershifting, it was a minor wart that could be scraped off at a later date.

Because the Devs said so is plenty enough justification. That being said, the talent is a poorly designed imitation of Tactical Mastery, not an intentional resource generating tool. If this was the intuitive and desirable interaction Blizzard wanted, we would have seen its enhancement moving into Wrath and beyond, not the opposite.

I’ve said nothing of the sort. Don’t make up lies just to justify an argument.

Competition is never mandatory, this argument won’t convince Blizzard of anything other than “some competition habits are healthy, some are not, chain chugging Hp5 elixirs is definitely unhealthy, and so is powershifting”

You’re not helping your argument with this, at all.

Point out where I’ve said I have an issue with it.

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