Considering it factually existed in TBC and Wrath, yes.
Just give me some solid evidence of feral energy system in 2.4.3 and we can change it to that…wait…
Considering it factually existed in TBC and Wrath, yes.
Just give me some solid evidence of feral energy system in 2.4.3 and we can change it to that…wait…
You’re coming into a discussion about powershifting and making changes to the game and repeating the same logic over and over. its been disputed multiple times, and you are still regurgitating the same thing. We don’t care, multiple game mechanics have been changed. You’re argument only works when you cherry pick changes or use ‘your opinion’ and say they aren’t the same. Mald. You’re kind of pathetic if this change destroys your sanity.
You’re coming into a discussion about powershifting and making changes to the game and repeating the same logic over and over.
Probably because I have to wait another five hours for my gels to finish, so why not play on the internet?
You only think it’s cherry picking because you’re not bright enough to actually beat my argument.
“Hurr hurr why can’t I have a different system entirely if Blizzard is equally balancing another class.”
That is quite literally your argument. Considering I can provide sources, videos, data, and Blizzard stands behind me on this point. You have literally nothing to stand on. I just find your attitudes amusing.
what about mage boosting changes? what about hunter AP on WB’s? What about ecto?
these are all changes in mechanics to the original games.
I disagree with the position that its an entirely different system, its a single unintended change that screws my spec out of its rotation we had for 40% of the lifecycle of tbc.
Insulting someones intelligence is very big over the internet, im proud of you, you are an amazing person.
Replaced BY ROGUE.
We’re not asking for a completely different system. We’re asking for a system that’s literally already been in vanilla classic or the TBC beta. Energy went through FOUR variations in the beta, so Blizzard clearly didnt have a complete idea of how it was supposed to be, because it didnt get change to it’s current state until mere hours before pre-patch.
Also blizzard has clearly stated that it’s not about “hot it was” but “how it should be” when it comes to TBC. That’s why theyve picked and chose all the different systems that were changed before 2.4.3 to put in the beta (BS weapons being MH, different NPCs/quests/items), as well as added completely new ones (Tinnitus, both-faction seals)
Bro we know you wanna be that cool guy that disagrees with the majority so continue posting whatever you want on here and keep on bumping for us.
Thanks for the help keeping this post alive.
like i said, an amazing person, probably bringing this thread a lot more attention than it would otherwise have.
Playing Feral DPS is like getting underpaid doing what you Love, no matter how good you do it, You just wont get the right acknowledgement you feel you deserve.
Lets say a job position,
Youre passionate about what you do(Kitty), but no matter how good you do it you never really get the acknowledgement you feel you deserve from the hard work you put in (more than other classes) to do so great (high% parse + beating other classes on specific fights, minmaxing your life).
In production and development, sometimes you have to break something to understand it and fix it to make it better. Let us all hope that Blizzard is doing just that;
Fixing the regen rates to allow feral energy to be consistent enough to:
Not powershift + Not rely on a level 40 Helm to say the least.
YET still allow relative or more dps than before this Hotfix. Maybe just even to where highly skilled players can perform significantly better than casual skilled Feral Cats.
I mean at least give us Kitty Swipe or Frontal Cone BLEED (not 6 expansions later).
-I mean why give us so many items/talents that buff shifting so hard but not meant to do so, it is highly unlikely to be doing this consistently for mid raid for utility purposes/dps.
Unless all these shifting bonuses in the game are for only PvP intentions which makes sense for the hotfix, but not for PvE viability and be a dead spot for %5 melee crit.
I only am coming to TBC just to play Feral, and this will upset me and many other players will drop if they become less consistent and unreliable… and become just a party buffer.
I mean, they already have our $ from the pass right? XD <3 to you all.
i disagree, just give us 2.0 energy.
You disagree because you cant see anything better than 2.0 energy, and only read what you want, because clearly you didnt, but that is like many feral cats…
But just imagine, what it if it was better?.. or are you going to reply its not going to get better?.. kek… Read my 3rd short paragraph lil cat. “In production and development, sometimes you have to break something to understand it and fix it to make it better. Let us all hope that Blizzard is doing just that;”
Obviously we want what was “good” before, but why not suggest for things to be better?
they dont want anything better is what I have been reading… And I want to be ONLY FERAL DPS just as much as anyone else that loves feral cat.
But games change, and you have to be realistic with your expectations, and only hope/suggest for the better… or break the Meta again (I prefer meta breaker mentality).
Lets QQ so they change it back, and then QQ again when Rogues are beating us…
Or just suggest something better and put the work in to beat rogues.
The choice is yours, all of you’s. Feral arguments have been going on for years, Blizzard is not seeing anything new when it comes to arguments rather than solutions.
Kulldank, it’s not about what’s best, but what’s easier for Blizzard to implement. Powershifting wasn’t removed until WotLK when they did a major re-balance of feral, which in turn made them one of the most powerful dps options even without powershifitng. What you’re asking for is a bunch of changes that were never present in TBC or even the TBC classic beta.
What WE’RE asking for is the same energy that was present in 2.0 and 2.1 in TBC OR the energy based on 2.2 patch notes that was present in the TBC Classic beta until the day before pre-patch.
These versions have already existed in the game files and would be much easier to implement than brand new options.
i dont want wrath cat, i dont want cata cats, i dont want MoP cats, i dont want WoD cats.
i want TBC feral druid, not some hodge podge of random abilities and turning it into something its not.
i want 2.0 energy, i want wolfshead helm, i want furor, i want powershifting.
I’m not asking for buffs, im asking for a fun system. i read your entire post, i disagree with everything except the first and second paragraph.
Needs more attention
Sorry but I didnt ask for changes. You didnt read my post as well. @potionseler
Blizzard and the whole world of warcraft, knows what “we” are asking, like they dont?
Not all blizzard changes are permanent, they have in the past nerfed specs just to make them better in the future.
“Powershifting wasn’t removed until WotLK” EXACTLY what my initial post was trying to say, how do we know that Blizzard is not trying to fix this before Wotlk? Dont turn this around on me, kids. We are all here to put our opinions in, and I for one and not suggesting that feral is in a great state. So open your brain and read a little harder. Your “crying” replies are irrelevant to my post hoping for things to be better sooner than later.
you are asking for very big changes. im open to ideas, i read what you said, and i disagree. why are you calling us kids and lil kitties?
Worst part about all of this is there is literally no logged response as to why they left this change in way back in vanilla, people even asked too, there may be one in the previous forums but it is lost from being unarchived.
Q u o t e:
Is it an intended ‘fix’ that our powershifting has been nerfed by the upcoming PTR patch?
We can’t powershift “inbetween” energyticks since energyticks will be individual and not global.This is a huge loss for me in dps. If you want I could bring up some statistics and info for what powershifting actually does for feral dps.
Powershifting? You mean expending all your energy then popping out and back into catform to take advantage of furor?
And I assume you are talking about this change:
Q u o t e:
Power Regeneration: Any effect which triggers a change in your rate of power regeneration (Mana, Rage, Energy, Focus) will now cause an immediate reward of some power at the old rate of increase, and then begin new “ticks” of power at the new rate approximately 2 seconds later. This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted “ticks”.Since the change is on the PTR at the moment and seems to be unrelated to the act of powershifting I would say that the impact on powershifting has been overlooked (either accidentally or intentionally).
I’m not too sure what jurisdiction I have over the PTR feedback but I’ll see what I can discover. If/when the change goes live and starts to affect people on a wider scale, then we might be able to draw more attention to it.
Blizzard should at least give us some form of response as to why.
this is from vanilla wow forums when initial patch was going to be released btw
“i dont want wrath cat, i dont want cata cats, i dont want MoP cats, i dont want WoD cats.
i want TBC feral druid”
That is why I am trying to say, hopefully they make things better now than later.
If you did too, then you still wouldnt want Classic Druid, that is just an easy fix to put the spec back where it was. Why cant you just hope for a rework?
Hopefully TBC Druid can be something different than we experienced you know? none of us know anything of what blizzard has in mind, but we can all assume its not the best.
It is easy to think they will keep it nerf’d.
Harder to imagine that they fix it and the spec be great no matter how they fix it, and we all be happy is all I am saying, but least we can do is hope for the better.
You still want to rely on a lvl 40 helm to do damage? Go to classic bruh. I am talking about the principle of that in general. Wouldnt you like to do have lvl 70 helmet and do the same or more damage than 2.0? That would be cool.
Just in perspective man, you guys are raging at me when I am just putting an idea out there like anyone else will, I didnt ask for anything more than you did, only maybe something better, because why do I want to still be a Classic Feral in TBC?
Plus, how do you know for a fact that making energy better than 2.0 will be harder to do for Blizzard? What if they are working on that right now, is all I have been saying… Literally.
This is a recreation of TBC. I guarantee you they are not going to redesign any classes and give them new systems. I doubt anybody wants them to reinvent the wheel that way. We’re here to play a recreation of the original game, granted where they are pulling the best parts.
Also, judging by this forum, this is not all about DPS. A lot of us like power-shifting and want the smooth iteration of power-shifting that continued from classic through Black Temple.
This is not raging at you. The things you are suggesting are just completely unrealistic and unproductive.
Wow man, really good find.
I hope they change some mechanics, so that our energy regen mechanic isnt a similar mechanic to evo/innervate. Maybe so that they can keep their evo/inner buff and allow us to have our own resource tick mechanic, so it wont collide with others in the game.