Guess it was popular for a while.
There’s a difference between ‘‘can’t’’ and "shouldn’t’’.
Or I should say, at the very least, the melee part should NOT be replacing the ranged parts.
The Hunter class had a set of specs to choose from for ranged combat, if you did not like them, how does that justify changing them into melee specs?
Based on?
Not the past design at least.
Based on in-game archetypes? Perhaps.
Don’t let us mains step on the toes of your favorite alt…
But yeah, anyway…
This is not what most of us who prefer RSV are debating.
It’s about how many MSV-players come in here and begin posting that they love the new MSV while continuing with statements such as “RSV was just MM anyway” or “RSV was horrible” etc. etc.
While many also speak against ideas such as the addition of a 4th spec option so we can move on from these debates/arguments.
Actually it’s Raptor strike, Kill command, serpent sting, the bombs and another shot (the crossbow animation). I found the prior versions of survival to just be marks with more flavor in the shots. Heck, most people (forum comments) didnt like playing that.
As for melee hunters, Im guessing you really didnt play way back when. Sure scattertrap was a thing, but you also needed wing clip and such to get range. Now somehow we have physics defying arrows that can do max damage from an inch away
That’s the point Bepples. That’s what makes you’re argument weak. Glad you can see it.
I’m not arguing that the bow wasn’t the most defining trait. It’s not anymore. One spec doesn’t have it. The game changes with that the definition of the class.
Kinda like talking about ranged combat first?
You’re right
In vanilla, it was what defined it. You’re trying to take a book written in 2004 and force it to fit your narrative in 2020. The class changed, that’s not what defines it anymore.
Dunno man, you could just stop?
That’s what makes you’re opinion invalid, going off your logic.
The identity changed. Your version of the game, changes constantly. the 2004 definition isn’t even close to where it is now. Trying to use it as basis of your argument is the real childish act. If you want the 2004 definition of the hunter play classic.
That’s your opinion, and you’re free to have one ofc.
My opinion regarding MSV is that it’s essentially melee BM(due to it actually “borrowing” multiple BM specific abilities/effects) but also with a few different niche abilities added.
I hold no love for MSV whatsoever, even if it wouldn’t have replaced RSV, that opinion of my would not change. But I’m not going to advocate for it’s removal because of this. Nor am I saying that “we should not have a melee option”.
And, despite your opinion towards RSV, if we can get it back without hurting your precious MSV, why not speak in favor of that option?
Not entirely sure what forum you base this on. Most of the negative RSV-related comments I’ve seen so far come from players that basically did not play RSV. They might’ve tried it a little on their alt, or not at all. Many of them did not even play as hunters before Legion introduced MSV(the melee spec).
That’s not the real problem. The problem is that the changes we saw going into Legion, weren’t made for current players, they were made to work against current players at the time. No matter what the game looks like now.
No matter how much a melee spec fits the class. Changes the likes of which, should cater towards what current players of the class are asking for/want out of it. It should not be made to take away what the majority of those players have chosen this class for.
I have seen so many arguments back and forth, but I want to ask the MSV hunters who are against RSV returning a few questions.
Why are you so against even the idea of a 4th spec that brings back RSV play style, especially if it isn’t going to affect you at all?
Why so aggressive towards fellow hunters giving feedback and simply asking for something that was taken from them to be returned?
Why are you against players having more options as opposed to fewer options?
Honestly, why?
Why do RSV players act like MSV killed their dog and take it out on anyone posting regarding it?
I don’t think many people are completely against a 4th spec, more the idea that replacing MSV with RSV again. Not to mention there are people who feel MSV is fun, just that it needs work and if they just toss it out because RSV is back then where does that leave MM and MSV?
Why not “fix” MM and make MSV bring more to the table instead of adding another spec to Hunter that still leaves MM and MSV as unpopular choices. Then you’ll just have BM and RSV whoopie.
Yeah Im totally bumed out about the loss of range survival. WOTLK survival was my fav spec for hunters, now i only have one spec i like :[.
I think i’ve got it.
And before anything, a certain someone, you’re still ignored.
I got notifications on this post again so i came in to check, and after reading a lot of the different points and preferences, i honestly belive what really would solve the problem, for Hunters and basically all classes, is a major change in the talent system.
Taking into account how Blizzard themselves stated that going for spec fantasy and differentiating specs so much was going too far, and they want to go back to a more “class fantasy” style of design, i propose creating a new talent system.
Similar to the first (and currently on Classic) talent tree, but with a more modern design. Make it so that spec is defined by talent choices, not a simple switch in a window and the game decides all the spells we’re given.
I can’t really describe fully how i’m visualizing it, the idea is still in diapers, but basically it’s building a class toolkit how a player wants. If done correctly it would solve most of the “what spec is best” problems (of course there would probably still be the “best builds”, but that’s something very hard, if not impossible to solve in the kind of game WoW is).
At first many will see 2 problems with this idea:
1- Claiming there would be cookie cutter builds, but i could argue that’s something that still exists in the current talent system. The simple way to solve that is by not adding simple “x% more damage/health/etc” options.
2- That some would not understand what options to select to “be better” or that would make them effective in combat. The current way for solving that is of course websites like icy-veins, bloodmallet, noxxic, etc… some ok, some not, that’s not the point. But what i’ll say is if an addon like Zygor (a leveling addon) can suggest talents, devs could make an in-game function to recommend talent choices for playstyles.
The main problem with this if it’s considered a good idea is implementing it.
Developing a system like this would take time, and taking into account the recent track record of devs for stuff i’d say it’s very unlikely this could be done for 9.0.
Imagine this is something they would do, maybe it would be for 10.0 or later, but i honestly believe a system like this would solve many complains about how classes play and customization and/or choice for playstyles.
I know i’m not a hunter, but i wanted to give my perception in the matter, so here it goes
I’m not really against the idea of ranged SV back, but adding a 4th spec to a class that already has 3 dps ones could bring more harm in terms of development and balance, that’s why i believe it’s a better option to find a way to implement that previous playstyle into existing specs, without removing the melee option for those who like it.
There’s only one person i’ve been aggresive to, and i’ve clearly stated why. I can’t speak for others but i understand where you’re coming from. People can go overboard with how they want things and to sometimes not measure how they address others. I know, humans right? hahaha.
There’s a balance to be found, there’s also the problem of “too many” options, wich also harms the game and brought issues like the pruning before.
I only hope we can find a way to enjoy what’s available and advocate for what’s best for the game and community as a whole.
Unfortunately they will never understand that logic. They still stuck in the past and can’t move on from it. I moved on from my Survival hunter days to another class and main it. I didn’t like survival from Wotlk - WoD. I still don’t like it much in Legion and current expansion. The only time it felt like an awesome spec was during vanilla and burning crusade where they had a talent that reduced the mana cost of the melee abilities since range mana usage was a lot.
I would respond to the dude, but since he and his friends put me on some harassment penalty over opinions. I don’t even want to acknowledge them anymore, but online bullies who can’t accept other peoples play style and opinions who performed better in that field.
Honest question. Do you believe it’s ok for non-residents to vote on local matters?
I mean c’mon. You have nothing at stake here. You have no history with the class, no insight, no nothing. You’re just giving an opinion just because you can.
Not trying to be mean, but have you considered just minding your own business?
Why not leave the debate to the players this issue actually affects?
If you wanna be like that then they are residents to the game. They pay for it and just because they have not played the class doesn’t mean they’ve observed the benefits of it.
This was an extremely weak argument. Reality vs Video game.
Again with this…
Last i checked this is General Discussion.
Do you find fun in bashing others for no reason just to spark unrest?
There’s a reason a Hunter forum exists if you don’t want to read other players opinions on the matter, there you can claim all of that to your hearts content.
Here, i have all the right to post what i believe about anything and everything. If you don’t agree it’s an opinion, you have no right to claim i can’t provide opinions here.
Besides i have played a Hunter, just not on high-end, my opinion is as valid as any hunter in the big picture of gameplay, WoW is not made only for Hall of Fame achievers.
In fact, at Legion i have played all 12 classes to at least a medium level of play, so in your view i have the right to provide opinion on any and all classes and specs in the game.
I find it hilarious that we have to respond on our hunter avatars just to be accepted in their views even with all the knowledge we gave them which is on their level or perhaps above and still won’t be accepted. Then they harass us with their opinions and if they don’t like your response. They hit you with a flag causing a harassment penalty on your account.
Be like what? Curious?
Yeah they pay for the game, but they aren’t paying to play Hunter and still feel like their opinions on the Hunter class have some merit.
The principle still applies tho. I don’t voice my opinions on the Warrior class cause I’m not a Warrior. It’s the courteous thing to do.
In my view, if you actually play the Hunter class and give a damn about it, then by all means voice your opinion.
But if you don’t play Hunter, respect the players who do by shutting the hell up.
Don’t care who you post from, just that you have a minimal investment in the class. I find it hilarious that the “knowledge” you gave directly contradicts the game manual. Your feelings on the subject doesn’t change the fact that melee hunter was not an officially recognized playstyle. It’s not just me having a difference of opinion. Its you making nonsensical claims that are provably wrong.
You know, with lines like that you lose any argument and point you might want to make, maybe treat others with respect if you want some in return.
This attitude is part of the reason we can’t have nice things…
It doesn’t matter who started, it matters how you act…
So technically we have to be on our Hunter avatar to have merit? That’s childish though.
Under whose morals though? You can’t dictate others because it doesn’t apply to your beliefs. That’s childish.
but you don’t give respect to other players who happens to be the class and give a different opinion. That’s doesn’t holds your statement well.
Thing is manuals gives you the basics of stuff. Manuals will never give insight to improvise within the spec. That’s what the developers want you to do and give feedback if it turned out great or worst. The thing is that you don’t like the freedom of playing your class. You stick to the rules and don’t go further than that.
Can a mod lock this thread. This been nothing, but a toxic run of disagreements and at a cost of flagging a player due to not agreeing with someone giving them a harassment silence penalty. This thread has gotten its answer and now turned into baiting players to get hit by a bunch of flags due to disagreeing meaning “harassing” their opinion.
Actually I said a few hundred posts back that people shouldn’t be bashing the person for not posting on a hunter.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you’re not getting any more honesty out of the people posting on some SV they boosted just to make a point. If you really want to get a good picture, look at the relative levels of necks of people on each side. “You need a green name to have an opinion” is not only pointless, it helps the people who hate hunters so hard they boosted one so they could get on their 120 hunter and talk down to people who don’t enjoy SV “the right way”.
If someone has a valid point, it’s valid.
I could say the same to you.
You were given the benefit of the doubt until you said you weren’t a Hunter. You lost all credibility at that point.
When you post about something that you admit to being clueless about and have nothing at stake in, yeah you shouldn’t be surprised when you catch some flak for it. It’s disrespectful.
You’re in no position to start lecturing people about their attitudes. Not all opinions are valid, especially when they come from ignorance.
I literally said I don’t care who you post from, i.e. your avatar.
That’s basic human decency. Didn’t your parents ever teach you to mind your own business?
Sure I do. If they got the proof to back up what they’re saying, I am more than happy to have that conversation.
Manuals literally teach you how to play the game. It’s what they’re made for.
This is where you get mixed up. The minimum range was the weakness of the spec. You were given tools to make up for that weakness. Rushing in to engage enemies in melee combat isn’t improvising, its idiotic.
Games are only fun when everyone follows the rules. You drag the whole group down when you try to play a class the complete opposite way its supposed to be played.
I literally said I don’t care who you post from, just that you have a minimal investment in the class. I really don’t think that’s unreasonable. But do you really think someone with 0 investment in the class will actually make a valid point? Highly doubt it.
Speaking of valid points…
Aren’t you the same person that compared RSV getting removed to the Native American’s land being stolen?
And also the same person who said Blood Elves shouldn’t be able to be hunters?